abstract: 'Forming part of a larger project on how disabled people exercise active citizenship in nine European countries, this study examined factors that enhance or hamper disabled peoples'' opportunities to participate fully and on equal terms with others in the domain of work. Twenty-six, gender-balanced life course interviews with persons living in Switzerland and representing four impairment groups and three age cohorts were conducted. Applying qualitative content analysis, we found that over the entire work life course environmental factors such as support structures and attitudes were most salient (as compared to personal factors and impairment effects), and that facilitating and impeding factors cut across impairment groups and age cohorts. To achieve parity of participation and to enhance people with disabilities'' active citizenship and opportunities to access, and flourish in, the labour market, society has to both recognize their rights and provide sufficient economic resources to remove existing barriers.Points of interest Having a paid job is an important aspect and sign of a person''s social participation and inclusion. We collected personal stories of disabled people living in Switzerland to identify the barriers and support they experienced in finding and maintaining a suitable paid job. Most of the barriers identified were environmental and could have been addressed by workplace adjustments and policy changes. The diversity of the disabled interviewees was reflected in the barriers and support they experienced. However, the presence or absence of support from family members, job counsellors, employers and work colleagues played an important role across different types of disabilities. Recognizing and understanding the barriers that disabled people experience with regard to paid employment will help to develop appropriate social responses and individual strategies for self-help.' affiliation: 'Trezzini, B (Corresponding Author), Guido A Zach Str 4, CH-6207 Nottwil, Switzerland. Trezzini, Bruno; Schuller, Victoria; Schupbach, Sabrina; Bickenbach, Jerome, Swiss Parapleg Res, Nottwil, Switzerland. Trezzini, Bruno; Bickenbach, Jerome, Univ Lucerne, Dept Hlth Sci \& Med, Luzern, Switzerland.' author: Trezzini, Bruno and Schuller, Victoria and Schupbach, Sabrina and Bickenbach, Jerome author-email: bruno.trezzini@paraplegie.ch author_list: - family: Trezzini given: Bruno - family: Schuller given: Victoria - family: Schupbach given: Sabrina - family: Bickenbach given: Jerome da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1768053 earlyaccessdate: JUN 2020 eissn: 1360-0508 files: [] issn: 0968-7599 journal: DISABILITY \& SOCIETY keywords: 'active citizenship; parity of participation; work and employment; barriers and facilitators; lived experience; qualitative research' keywords-plus: 'INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES; ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP; SOCIAL-JUSTICE; EMPLOYMENT; WORK; PHOTOVOICE; POLICY; PERSPECTIVE; REFLECTIONS; WHEELCHAIR' language: English month: JUN 28 number: '6' number-of-cited-references: '87' orcid-numbers: Bickenbach, Jerome/0000-0003-3070-4407 pages: 925-951 papis_id: a675f41fcf9dfb8130e47c24cba15119 ref: Trezzini2021environmentalbarrier times-cited: '6' title: Environmental barriers to and facilitators of labour market participation as experienced by disabled people living in Switzerland type: article unique-id: WOS:000543556000001 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '20' volume: '36' web-of-science-categories: Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary year: '2021'