abstract: 'In 2015, Germany introduced a statutory hourly minimum wage that was not only universally binding but also set at a relatively high level. We discuss the short-run effects of this new minimum wage on a wide set of socioeconomic outcomes, such as employment and working hours, earnings and wage inequality, dependent and self-employment, as well as reservation wages and satisfaction. We also discuss difficulties in the implementation of the minimum wage and the measurement of its effects related to non-compliance and suitability of data sources. Two years after the minimum wage introduction, the following conclusions can be drawn: while hourly wages increased for low-wage earners, some small negative employment effects are also identifiable. The effects on aspired goals, such as poverty and inequality reduction, have not materialised in the short run. Instead, a tendency to reduce working hours is found, which alleviates the desired positive impact on monthly income. Additionally, the level of non-compliance was substantial in the short run, thus drawing attention to problems when implementing such a wide reaching policy.' affiliation: 'Neumark, D (Corresponding Author), UCI, Irvine, CA 92697 USA. Neumark, D (Corresponding Author), NBER, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. Neumark, D (Corresponding Author), IZA, Bonn, Germany. Neumark, D (Corresponding Author), CESifo, Munich, Germany. Neumark, David, UCI, Irvine, CA 92697 USA. Neumark, David, NBER, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. Neumark, David, IZA, Bonn, Germany. Neumark, David, CESifo, Munich, Germany.' author: Neumark, David author-email: dneumark@uci.edu author_list: - family: Neumark given: David da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1111/geer.12184 eissn: 1468-0475 files: [] issn: 1465-6485 journal: GERMAN ECONOMIC REVIEW keywords: Minimum wage; evaluation; earnings; working hours; employment keywords-plus: 'LABOR-MARKET INSTITUTIONS; JOB-SATISFACTION; EMPLOYMENT; IMPACT; INEQUALITY; INDUSTRY; POVERTY; REFORM; UK' language: English month: AUG number: '3' number-of-cited-references: '119' pages: 293-329 papis_id: 24e8f65c16334310b8485a940b3a1710 ref: Neumark2019causaleffects times-cited: '16' title: The Causal Effects of the Minimum Wage Introduction in Germany - An Overview type: article unique-id: WOS:000596019200002 usage-count-last-180-days: '2' usage-count-since-2013: '21' volume: '20' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2019'