abstract: 'Because the labor market in southwest Mexico is very different from that in the north, a given wage policy may affect the two markets quite differently. It is shown that the southwest''s high level of labor informality will not only prevent a minimum-wage increase from addressing that region''s high level of poverty effectively, but will actually worsen Mexico''s unequal territorial distribution of income. Therefore, we maintain that, under the current conditions of the country''s labor market, saying that the existing policy of increasing the minimum wage will reduce both poverty and inequality amounts to a contradictio in adiecto. Such a policy will continue to be self-contradictory until it considers implementing, as well, a job guarantee policy.' affiliation: 'Sovilla, B (Corresponding Author), Univ Autonoma Chiapas, Fac Ciencias Sociales, Tapachula, Mexico. Sovilla, Bruno; Gomez Mendez, Karina Guadalupe, Univ Autonoma Chiapas, Fac Ciencias Sociales, Tapachula, Mexico. Sanchez, Elmar Morales, Univ Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, DF, Mexico.' author: Sovilla, Bruno and Sanchez, Elmar Morales and Gomez Mendez, Karina Guadalupe author-email: 'bruno.sovilla@unach.mx elmar.morales@hotmail.com mikar574@gmail.com' author_list: - family: Sovilla given: Bruno - family: Sanchez given: Elmar Morales - family: Gomez Mendez given: Karina Guadalupe da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.20430/ete.v88i349.1064 files: [] issn: 0041-3011 journal: TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO keywords: Minimum wage; job guarantee; territorial inequality keywords-plus: 'LAST RESORT; MINIMUM-WAGES; FULL-EMPLOYMENT; INFLATION; CONFLICT; PROGRAM; MONEY' language: Spanish month: JAN-MAR number: '349' number-of-cited-references: '58' pages: 5-37 papis_id: 6887e5328c0ec38e0075683b5a1c379b ref: Sovilla2021jobguarantee times-cited: '0' title: Job guarantee and wage policy to reduce poverty in Mexico type: article unique-id: WOS:000605334000001 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '5' volume: '88' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2021'