abstract: 'We examine how far the over-representation of women in part-time jobs can explain the gender gap in hourly earnings, and also investigate how far wage-setting institutions are correlated with the overall gender wage gap and the female part-time wage gap. Using European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) 2009 data for 11 European countries, we implement a double decomposition of the gender wage gap: between men and women employed full-time and between full-time and part-time working women. This shows that the wage penalty of women employed part-time occurs mainly through the segregation of part-time jobs, but the full-time gender pay gap remains mostly unexplained. At the macro level, the gender wage gap tends to be higher in countries where part-time employment is more widespread. Some wage-setting institutions seem to reduce the female full-time/part-time pay gap and the gender gap among full-time workers.' affiliation: 'Matteazzi, E (Corresponding Author), Univ Trento, Via Verdi 26, I-38122 Trento, Italy. Matteazzi, Eleonora, Univ Trento, Via Verdi 26, I-38122 Trento, Italy. Pailhe, Ariane; Solaz, Anne, INED, Paris, France.' author: Matteazzi, Eleonora and Pailhe, Ariane and Solaz, Anne author-email: eleonora.matteazzi@unitn.it author_list: - family: Matteazzi given: Eleonora - family: Pailhe given: Ariane - family: Solaz given: Anne da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1177/0959680117738857 eissn: 1461-7129 files: [] issn: 0959-6801 journal: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS keywords: 'Decomposition; labour force participation; part-time; wage gap; wage-setting institutions' keywords-plus: 'LABOR-MARKET INSTITUTIONS; MINIMUM-WAGE; PAY GAP; CHILD-CARE; INEQUALITY; WOMEN; PARTICIPATION; DETERMINANTS; PENALTIES' language: English month: SEP number: '3' number-of-cited-references: '45' orcid-numbers: MATTEAZZI, Eleonora/0000-0002-3144-6190 pages: 221-241 papis_id: 07f38e252f4d15a4e848ae097da65b82 ref: Matteazzi2018parttimeemployment researcherid-numbers: 'Pailhe, Ariane/Q-1772-2016 ' times-cited: '19' title: 'Part-time employment, the gender wage gap and the role of wage-setting institutions: Evidence from 11 European countries' type: article unique-id: WOS:000442560700003 usage-count-last-180-days: '6' usage-count-since-2013: '46' volume: '24' web-of-science-categories: Industrial Relations \& Labor year: '2018'