abstract: 'With factor-biased technical progress described as labor-saving and skill-biased technical changes, there are concerns that technological innovation can lead to unemployment and widen inequality in the economy. This study explores impacts of factor-biased technical changes on the economic system in terms of economic growth, employment, and distribution, using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The results show that technological innovation contributes to higher level of economic growth with productivity improvements. However, our analysis suggests that economic growth accompanied by skill- and capital-biased technical progress disproportionately increases demand for capital and high-skilled labor over skilled and unskilled labor. This shift in the value-added composition is found to deepen income inequality, as more people in higher income groups benefit from skill premium and capital earnings. Our results suggest that policymakers should prepare a wide range of policy measures, such as reforms in educational programs and taxation systems, in order to ensure sustainable growth.' affiliation: 'Yeo, Y (Corresponding Author), Seoul Natl Univ, Technol Management Econ \& Policy Program, Seoul 151742, South Korea. Jung, Sungmoon, Busan Inst S\&T Evaluat \& Planning, 79 Centum Jungang Ro, Busan, South Korea. Lee, Jeong-Dong; Yeo, Yeongjun, Seoul Natl Univ, Technol Management Econ \& Policy Program, Seoul 151742, South Korea. Hwang, Won-Sik, Korea Inst Ind Econ \& Trade, 370 Sicheong Daero, Sejong Si 30147, South Korea.' author: Jung, Sungmoon and Lee, Jeong-Dong and Hwang, Won-Sik and Yeo, Yeongjun author-email: 'narkimess@snu.ac.kr leejd@snu.ac.kr yel0sik@snu.ac.kr yyj913@snu.ac.kr' author_list: - family: Jung given: Sungmoon - family: Lee given: Jeong-Dong - family: Hwang given: Won-Sik - family: Yeo given: Yeongjun da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2016.10.014 eissn: 1873-6122 files: [] issn: 0264-9993 journal: ECONOMIC MODELLING keywords: 'Innovation; Economic growth; Employment; Computable general equilibrium; South Korea' keywords-plus: 'TECHNOLOGICAL-CHANGE; INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY; WAGE INEQUALITY; SKILLED LABOR; INNOVATION; INVESTMENT; LEVEL; EDUCATION; DEMAND' language: English month: JAN number-of-cited-references: '64' orcid-numbers: Yeo, Yeongjun/0000-0001-9782-3924 pages: 424-438 papis_id: 34b3fd459d8cc11c0cfb4b7fbd17c3b3 ref: Jung2017growthequity times-cited: '26' title: 'Growth versus equity: A CGE analysis for effects of factor-biased technical progress on economic growth and employment' type: article unique-id: WOS:000390502500036 usage-count-last-180-days: '6' usage-count-since-2013: '92' volume: '60' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2017'