abstract: 'The concept of a living wage is defined by quality of life and work life, not merely economic subsistence. It extends to adequate participation in organizational and social life. In development economics, these crucial components of ``decent work{''''} connect with ``capabilities{''''}, whose development is important to individuals, organizations and society. However, the links between income and capabilities remain unknown, and living wages are often set by fiat. By integrating theories from development studies, management, psychology and employment relations into a single concentric, contingency model, the authors derive a series of propositions with which to test this context-sensitive model in empirical research.' affiliation: 'Carr, SC (Corresponding Author), Massey Univ, Sch Psychol, Auckland, New Zealand. Carr, Stuart C., Massey Univ, Sch Psychol, Auckland, New Zealand. Parker, Jane; Arrowsmith, James, Massey Univ, Sch Management, Auckland, New Zealand. Watters, Paul A., Massey Univ, Sch Engn \& Adv Technol, Auckland, New Zealand.' author: Carr, Stuart C. and Parker, Jane and Arrowsmith, James and Watters, Paul A. author-email: 'S.C.Carr@massey.ac.nz J.Parker@massey.ac.nz J.Arrowsmith@massey.ac.nz P.A.Watters@massey.ac.nz' author_list: - family: Carr given: Stuart C. - family: Parker given: Jane - family: Arrowsmith given: James - family: Watters given: Paul A. da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1111/j.1564-913X.2015.00029.x eissn: 1564-913X files: [] issn: 0020-7780 journal: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR REVIEW keywords-plus: 'PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT; INTRINSIC MOTIVATION; POVERTY TRAPS; MINIMUM-WAGE; INEQUALITY; INCOME; DYNAMICS; WORK; CONSEQUENCES; DIMENSIONS' language: English month: MAR number: 1, SI number-of-cited-references: '118' orcid-numbers: Watters, Paul/0000-0002-1399-7175 pages: 1-24 papis_id: dc4186e089f7a6d28d3d98f38e50ea92 ref: Carr2016livingwage times-cited: '31' title: 'The living wage: Theoretical integration and an applied research agenda' type: article unique-id: WOS:000384538300001 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '12' volume: '155' web-of-science-categories: Economics; Industrial Relations \& Labor year: '2016'