abstract: 'Securing sufficient accessibility with public transport is essential for reducing private car commuting. While most studies of transport accessibility are based on travel times, other quality factors such as the perceived disadvantage of congestion and service frequency are also of importance for transport mode choice. In this study, we use generalized journey times to calculate accessibility and public transport competitiveness, allowing us to account for other characteristics of commute trips than just travel time. We use detailed trip data to calculate generalized journey times to typical employment areas in thirteen urban regions in Norway. The results show that public transport services compete better with the car in the largest cities. Specifically, public transport is competitive for access to central employment areas but less so for less central employment areas. In the smaller cities, the private car is the most competitive mode on most commute trips. With detailed travel data, the method developed in this study can be replicated in other contexts to provide a more holistic measure of accessibility than traditional methods.' affiliation: 'Lunke, EB (Corresponding Author), Inst Transport Econ ToI, Gaustadalleen 21, N-0349 Oslo, Norway. Lunke, Erik B.; Fearnley, Nils; Aarhaug, Jorgen, Inst Transport Econ ToI, Gaustadalleen 21, N-0349 Oslo, Norway.' article-number: '23998083221100265' author: Lunke, Erik B. and Fearnley, Nils and Aarhaug, Jorgen author-email: ebl@toi.no author_list: - family: Lunke given: Erik B. - family: Fearnley given: Nils - family: Aarhaug given: Jorgen da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1177/23998083221100265 earlyaccessdate: MAY 2022 eissn: 2399-8091 files: [] issn: 2399-8083 journal: ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE keywords: 'accessibility; regional analysis; transport networks; travel-to-work areas; Norway' keywords-plus: 'TRAVEL-TIME; ACCESSIBILITY; QUALITY; CAR; POLICY; SATISFACTION; EMPLOYMENT; SERVICE; EQUITY; INCOME' language: English month: 2022 MAY 9 number-of-cited-references: '60' orcid-numbers: 'Fearnley, Nils/0000-0001-5665-0246 Aarhaug, Jorgen/0000-0003-1052-0010 Lunke, Erik Bjornson/0000-0002-4003-6388' papis_id: 64fdfe8f80ee927473d3d420789f5bef ref: Lunke2022geographypublic researcherid-numbers: 'Fearnley, Nils/AAE-7449-2020 Lunke, Erik/GXG-1225-2022 ' times-cited: '2' title: The geography of public transport competitiveness in thirteen medium sized cities type: article unique-id: WOS:000797722000001 usage-count-last-180-days: '4' usage-count-since-2013: '12' web-of-science-categories: 'Environmental Studies; Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning; Urban Studies' year: '2022'