abstract: 'Alternative labour market outcomes for men and women have been studied extensively in past literature. However, existing studies fail to directly compare labour market differences between transgender and non-transgender people. We utilize data from the 2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in the United States to examine employment and wage differentials between transgender persons and non-transgender people using the Fairlie decomposition method of 2005. Our findings suggest that transgender people are less likely than non-transgender people to be employed, and are more likely than non-transgender people to receive lower wages. While some of the difference in employment and wage gaps is explained by sociodemographic characteristics, part of the gap remains unexplained. Approximately 64 per cent of the employment differential and 43 per cent of the wage differential is unexplained and may be due to discrimination. Therefore, our findings highlight the importance of appropriate anti-discrimination policy.' affiliation: 'Cassells, D (Corresponding Author), Technol Univ Dublin, Sch Accounting \& Finance, Aungier St, Dublin 2, Ireland. Ciprikis, Klavs, Technol Univ Dublin, Econ, Dublin, Ireland. Cassells, Damien, Technol Univ Dublin, Finance, Dublin, Ireland. Berrill, Jenny, Trinity Coll Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.' author: Ciprikis, Klavs and Cassells, Damien and Berrill, Jenny author-email: damien.cassells@tudublin.ie author_list: - family: Ciprikis given: Klavs - family: Cassells given: Damien - family: Berrill given: Jenny da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1111/gwao.12501 earlyaccessdate: JUL 2020 eissn: 1468-0432 files: [] issn: 0968-6673 journal: GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION keywords: cisgender; discrimination; employment gap; transgender; wage gap keywords-plus: 'GENDER WAGE GAPS; HEALTH DISPARITIES; EMPLOYMENT; WOMEN; DISCRIMINATION; MEN; PAY; DIVERSITY; COLLEGE; SAMPLE' language: English month: NOV number: '6' number-of-cited-references: '49' orcid-numbers: 'Ciprikis, Klavs/0000-0003-2584-6646 Berrill, Jenny/0000-0002-3098-8158 Cassells, Damien/0000-0002-8501-8853' pages: 1378-1401 papis_id: 587820955b3bfc529489bd589c194f16 ref: Ciprikis2020transgenderlabour times-cited: '12' title: 'Transgender labour market outcomes: Evidence from the United States' type: article unique-id: WOS:000550485500001 usage-count-last-180-days: '2' usage-count-since-2013: '15' volume: '27' web-of-science-categories: Management; Women's Studies year: '2020'