abstract: 'Poverty as a global problem is also associated with a solution to material deprivation. In connection with the membership of Slovakia in the European Union, we have adopted European legislation in this area. Currently, there is a European 2020 strategy in the countries of the European Union, in which one of the five main targets are ``Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion{''''}. Target groups of the strategy are also people at the risk of material deprivation, disadvantaged job seekers, or people at risk of losing their job. Material deprivation is not only a threat to people who have problems with employment, but generally to persons who face some form of shortage in the items that their household cannot afford, because of their financial possibilities. Wages or other forms of income that represent the basic income of households may not be sufficient as an indicator of material deprivation. The relationship between income and material deprivation requires global attention in all EU countries as well as in Slovakia. The main objective of this article is to quantify the influence of selected factors on the equivalent disposable income of materially deprived and non-deprived Slovak households, their comparison and interpretation. The analysis will be based on the statistical survey on Income and Living conditions EU SILC. The effect of listed factors will be verified using the GLM procedure in SAS Enterprise Guide 5.1.' affiliation: 'Vojtkova, M (Corresponding Author), Univ Econ, Fac Econ Informat, Dolnozemska 1-b, Bratislava 85235, Slovakia. Vojtkova, Maria, Univ Econ, Fac Econ Informat, Dolnozemska 1-b, Bratislava 85235, Slovakia.' author: Vojtkova, Maria author-email: maria.vojtkova@euba.sk author_list: - family: Vojtkova given: Maria booktitle: GLOBALIZATION AND ITS SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES da: '2023-09-28' editor: Kliestik, T files: [] isbn: 978-80-8154-249-7 keywords: 'poverty; material deprivation; equivalent disposable income; generalized linear model; EU SILC' keywords-plus: WORK INTENSITY language: English note: '18th International Scientific Conference on Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences, Rajecke Teplice, SLOVAKIA, OCT 10-11, 2018' number-of-cited-references: '15' pages: 2894-2901 papis_id: 732f1379050f9d4d0e31855114d72371 ref: Vojtkova2018globalproblem times-cited: '0' title: GLOBAL PROBLEM OF POVERTY WITH A FOCUS ON INCOME AND MATERIAL DEPRIVATION IN SLOVAKIA type: proceedings unique-id: WOS:000681676300370 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '0' web-of-science-categories: 'Business; Business, Finance; Economics; International Relations; Management' year: '2018'