abstract: 'We examine the role of health as a determinant of labour force participation, paying particular attention to the link between the two provided by disability insurance schemes. We first review the evidence on associations between health and labour force participation. Enrolment in disability insurance is not determined by health alone, and we highlight the main other causes that the literature has identified. In an application to The Netherlands, we follow the structure of the literature review and show that the trends in health and disability insurance enrolment look rather positive. In particular, the 1990 reforms of disability insurance might have been more effective than previously realised because part of their success was hidden by demographic change: The large number of baby boomers kept the absolute inflow high as they aged, despite large reductions in relative rates.' affiliation: 'von Gaudecker, HM (Corresponding Author), Univ Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany. von Gaudecker, Hans-Martin, Univ Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany. Garcia-Gomez, Pilar, Erasmus Univ, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Lindeboom, Maarten, Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Lindeboom, Maarten, IZA, Bonn, Germany. Garcia-Gomez, Pilar; von Gaudecker, Hans-Martin; Lindeboom, Maarten, Netspar, Tilburg, Netherlands.' author: Garcia-Gomez, Pilar and von Gaudecker, Hans-Martin and Lindeboom, Maarten author-email: hmgaudecker@gmail.com author_list: - family: Garcia-Gomez given: Pilar - family: von Gaudecker given: Hans-Martin - family: Lindeboom given: Maarten da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1007/s10797-010-9150-z eissn: 1573-6970 files: [] issn: 0927-5940 journal: INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE keywords: Health; Disability; Disability insurance; Labour force participation keywords-plus: 'CONSUMPTION INEQUALITY; SKILL FORMATION; EMPLOYMENT; INCOME; INSURANCE; UNEMPLOYMENT; TECHNOLOGY; PROGRAMS; TRENDS; ROLLS' language: English month: APR number: '2' number-of-cited-references: '57' orcid-numbers: Garcia-Gomez, Pilar/0000-0002-5634-4609 pages: 146-165 papis_id: 2de7f304c6907adda4135418893c2816 ref: Garciagomez2011healthdisability researcherid-numbers: Garcia-Gomez, Pilar/ABA-9600-2020 times-cited: '14' title: 'Health, disability and work: patterns for the working age population' type: article unique-id: WOS:000289292300002 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '13' volume: '18' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2011'