abstract: 'PURPOSE: Widespread prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) requires significant aggregate lifestyle behavior changes. Extensive resources including money, time, access, facilities, materials, and programs are needed to bring about such behavior changes on a large scale. Over the past several decades, funds for large scale public health efforts and related CVD research have become more difficult to acquire, and prevention efforts have been shifting to state and community sites. Thus, large scale behavior modification for CVD prevention requires active efforts to access resources from partnerships with multiple private sector organizations. METHODS: Religious organizations (ROs) are a potentially valuable channel with many advantages for undertaking behavior change programming in partnership with public health researchers. ROs have a broad, direct `''reach'''' with people and provide social support structures, facilities, volunteers, communication channels and access to many sub-populations as well as a compatible mission and history of interest in health. In spite of the many advantages of partnerships between CVD health researchers and ROs, very few formal research studies have been conducted. Existing reports have emphasized the feasibility and powerful benefits of implementing RO-based health programs; however, little data or formal hypothesis testing have been reported. Very few formal CVD research projects have employed scientifically acceptable research designs with random assignment of intact groups to intervention and comparison conditions. RESULTS: In this review, conducted by the current authors, only six projects have been identified that meet these more rigorous scientific criteria. In a discussion of these projects, we classify RO-based studies into four levels of involvement of the RO: 1) use of ROs as sites for recruitment and tracking of experimental subjects; 2) use of RO facilities to conduct interventions; 3) involvement of RO members in delivering behavior change programs; and 4) the addition of significant religious components as an integral part of the intervention. This paper discusses the design, results and implications of these studies including information on what we already know about conducting research with ROs, gaps in existing research and recommendations for future studies. CONCLUSIONS: There is enormous untapped potential for RO-based CVD prevention research, but considerably more work is required to achieve the level of research that is currently conducted in other channels such as worksites and schools. Health practitioners/researchers and ROs are increasingly seizing the opportunity for partnerships to improve health. The knowledge gained from these projects and their documented successes will hopefully encourage other components of the public health system such as hospitals, managed care organizations and departments of health to continue developing ways of including ROs in health research and behavior change programming. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.' affiliation: 'Lasater, TM (Corresponding Author), BROWN UNIV,MEM HOSP RHODE ISL,CTR PRIMARY CARE \& PREVENT,111 BREWSTER ST,PAWTUCKET,RI 02860, USA. BROWN UNIV,SCH MED,DEPT COMMUNITY HLTH,PROVIDENCE,RI 02912. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV,SCH MED,CTR HLTH PROMOT,BALTIMORE,MD. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV,SCH MED,DIV GEN INTERNAL MED,BALTIMORE,MD. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV,SCH NURSING,BALTIMORE,MD.' author: Lasater, TM and Becker, DM and Hill, MN and Gans, KM author_list: - family: Lasater given: TM - family: Becker given: DM - family: Hill given: MN - family: Gans given: KM da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/S1047-2797(97)80007-5 files: [] issn: 1047-2797 journal: ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY keywords: 'religious organization; church; cardiovascular disease prevention; research design' keywords-plus: 'HEALTH-EDUCATION; CHURCH; COMMUNITY; PROGRAM; HEART; HYPERTENSION; INTERVENTION; VOLUNTEERS; PROMOTION; IMPACT' language: English month: OCT note: 'Conference on Community Trials for Cardiopulmonary Health - Directions for Public Health Practice, Policy and Research, BETHESDA, MD, SEP 25-26, 1996' number: 7, S number-of-cited-references: '62' pages: S46-S53 papis_id: 35202869c943f693c9bccfc63c8977d2 ref: Lasater1997synthesisfindings times-cited: '72' title: Synthesis of findings and issues from religious-based cardiovascular disease prevention trials type: article unique-id: WOS:A1997YD39500006 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '4' volume: '7' web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health year: '1997'