abstract: 'This article reports evidence gained by the SOPHIE Project regarding employment and labor market-related policies. In the first step, quality of employment and of precarious and informal employment in Europe were conceptualized and defined. Based on these definitions, we analyzed changes in the prevalence and population distribution of key health-affecting characteristics of employment and work between times of economic prosperity and economic crisis in Europe and investigated their impact on health outcomes. Additionally, we examined the effects of several employment and labor market-related policies on factors affecting health equity, including a specific analysis concerning work-related gender equity policies and case studies in different European countries. Our findings show that there is a need to standardize definitions and indicators of (the quality of) employment conditions and improve information systems. This is challenging given the important differences between and within European countries. In our results, low quality of employment and precarious employment is associated with poor mental health. In order to protect the well-being of workers and reduce work-related health inequalities, policies leading to precarious working and employment conditions need to be suspended. Instead, efforts should be made to improve the security and quality of employment for all workers.' affiliation: 'Julia, M (Corresponding Author), Campus Ciutadella Merce Rodoreda Bldg, Barcelona 08005, Spain. Julia, Mireia; Olle-Espluga, Laia; Vanroelen, Christophe; Muntaner, Carles; Benach, Joan, Univ Pompeu Fabra, Dept Polit \& Social Sci, Employment Condit Knowledge Network GREDS EMCONET, Hlth Inequal Res Grp, Barcelona, Spain. Julia, Mireia; Olle-Espluga, Laia; Benach, Joan, Johns Hopkins Univ Univ Pompeu Fabra Publ Policy, Barcelona, Spain. Vanroelen, Christophe; De Moortel, Deborah; Mousaid, Sarah, Vrije Univ Brussel, Dept Sociol, Interface Demog, Brussels, Belgium. Vinberg, Stig, Mid Sweden Univ, Dept Hlth Sci, Ostersund, Sweden. Puig-Barrachina, Vanessa, Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Sanchez, Esther, Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Occupat Hlth Serv, Barcelona, Spain. Artazcoz, Lucia, Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Hlth Promot, Barcelona, Spain. Puig-Barrachina, Vanessa; Sanchez, Esther; Artazcoz, Lucia, CIBER Epidemiol \& Salud Publ, Barcelona, Spain. Muntaner, Carles, Univ Toronto, Bloomberg Fac Nursing, Toronto, ON, Canada. Muntaner, Carles, Univ Toronto, Dalla Lana Sch Publ Hlth, Div Social \& Behav Hlth Sci, Toronto, ON, Canada. Benach, Joan, Univ Autonoma Madrid, Transdisciplinary Res Grp Socioecol Transit GinTR, Madrid, Spain.' author: Julia, Mireia and Olle-Espluga, Laia and Vanroelen, Christophe and De Moortel, Deborah and Mousaid, Sarah and Vinberg, Stig and Puig-Barrachina, Vanessa and Sanchez, Esther and Muntaner, Carles and Artazcoz, Lucia and Benach, Joan author-email: mireia.julia@upf.edu author_list: - family: Julia given: Mireia - family: Olle-Espluga given: Laia - family: Vanroelen given: Christophe - family: De Moortel given: Deborah - family: Mousaid given: Sarah - family: Vinberg given: Stig - family: Puig-Barrachina given: Vanessa - family: Sanchez given: Esther - family: Muntaner given: Carles - family: Artazcoz given: Lucia - family: Benach given: Joan da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1177/0020731416676233 eissn: 1541-4469 files: [] issn: 0020-7314 journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES keywords: 'employment conditions; labor market; employment policies; health inequalities; SOPHIE project' keywords-plus: 'WORK-LIFE BALANCE; PRECARIOUS EMPLOYMENT; PART-TIME; INFORMAL EMPLOYMENT; OCCUPATIONAL-HEALTH; SOCIAL DISTRIBUTION; EMPLOYEES; IMPACT; SAFETY; FAMILY' language: English month: JAN number: '1' number-of-cited-references: '65' orcid-numbers: 'Artazcoz, Lucía/0000-0002-6300-5111 Olle-Espluga, Laia/0000-0001-8943-6625 Julia, Mireia/0000-0002-7432-0942 Olle-Espluga, Laia/0000-0001-8943-6625 Benach, Joan/0000-0003-2285-742X Sanchez-Ledesma, Esther/0000-0001-9154-4553 De Moortel, Deborah/0000-0002-8542-128X Vanroelen, Christophe/0000-0001-8619-8553' pages: 18-39 papis_id: d16478517c8407bbc009f000627bced5 ref: Julia2017employmentlabor researcherid-numbers: 'Artazcoz, Lucía/G-9538-2017 Olle-Espluga, Laia/AAE-6484-2021 Julia, Mireia/H-2512-2013 Olle-Espluga, Laia/H-2516-2013 Benach, Joan/H-2519-2013 Vanroelen, Christophe/O-6731-2017 ' times-cited: '4' title: 'Employment and Labor Market Results of the SOPHIE Project: Concepts, Analyses, and Policies' type: article unique-id: WOS:000390856700003 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '27' volume: '47' web-of-science-categories: Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services year: '2017'