abstract: 'Rural households in Cambodia derive income from various sources. On average, non-farm income accounts for more than 60 per cent of total household income. However, the average masks the substantial heterogeneity of non-farm employment. We account for this heterogeneity and find significant differences in non-farm participation and incomes across segments of the income distribution. The poor and the less well-educated participate less in the non-farm sector, and when they do work in the non-farm sector, they work in low-paid jobs and earn lower incomes. Accounting for endogeneity and sample selection issues, we conduct an empirical enquiry of the determinants of participation in non-farm activities and of non-farm incomes. As expected, we find that education plays a major role in accessing more remunerative non-farm employment. Interestingly, we do not find evidence that women, ethnic minorities, or the land-poor are disadvantaged in access to the non-farm sector. Geographical location plays a role in access to and income from non-farm employment, indicating the importance of local context.' affiliation: 'Rahut, DB (Corresponding Author), S Asian Univ, New Delhi, India. Rahut, Dil Bahadur, S Asian Univ, New Delhi, India. Micevska Scharf, Maja, Univ Utrecht, Roosevelt Acad, NL-3508 TC Utrecht, Netherlands. Micevska Scharf, Maja, Webster Univ, Leiden, Netherlands.' author: Rahut, Dil Bahadur and Micevska Scharf, Maja author_list: - family: Rahut given: Dil Bahadur - family: Micevska Scharf given: Maja da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8411.2012.01345.x eissn: 1467-8411 files: [] issn: 0818-9935 journal: ASIAN-PACIFIC ECONOMIC LITERATURE keywords-plus: 'LABOR ALLOCATION; HOUSEHOLD INCOME; DIVERSIFICATION; INEQUALITY; POVERTY; EDUCATION; MARKET; IMPACT' language: English month: NOV number: '2' number-of-cited-references: '39' orcid-numbers: 'Micevska, Maja/0000-0001-7943-8504 Rahut, Dil Bahadur/0000-0002-7505-5271' pages: 54-71 papis_id: 9a7027dc072a6a9e4af1a19dc4619f77 ref: Rahut2012nonfarmemployment researcherid-numbers: 'Rahut, Dil Bahadur/AAD-8370-2022 ' times-cited: '14' title: Non-farm employment and incomes in rural Cambodia type: article unique-id: WOS:000311403000004 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '31' volume: '26' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2012'