abstract: 'Ants are an abundant and diverse group with worldwide distribution. Given their omnipresence, ecosystem services, and potential applications, ants may be excellent models for multiple lines of research such as physiology. However, the focus and worldwide distribution of ant physiology research are unknown. Given the evidence of scientific colonialism in multiple scientific areas -where credit and reward are not given to local scientists from developing nations when scien-tist s from wealthier nations travel for research -we examined the potential for such trends in studies of ant physiology. We investigated the frequency of studies and collaborations across countries during 2015 -2019, which simultaneously allowed us to estimate the most studied taxa. We found that the largest proportion of studies was done in Europe and North America. Collaboration trends were mainly among high-income countries. Nearly one third of the countries that served as sampling sites were not represented in authorship (mostly low-and middle-income). Furthermore, low-and middle-income countries show a lower proportion of authorship or co-authorship when these countries served as sampling sites, as compared with high-income countries. This disparity might indicate scientific colonialism in the field. However, collaborations between institutions from the sampling country and their foreign counterparts increased with the per capita Gross Domestic Product, suggesting a link between country''s participation in international collaboration and its economic prosperity. How publications are circulated may further influence trends in scientific colonialism. Both the probability that a study reaches the public sphere (Altmetric) and the number of citations increase with the impact factor (IF) of the journal in which the article was published. Unfortunately, high-IF journals often show the highest Article Processing Charges, which can be a financial impediment for institutions in low-and middle-income countries. Our study highlights factors that influence the process of research in this field. The evidence of scientific colonialism in ant physiology that we highlight in this study calls for urgent measures to promote more equitable collaborative efforts.' affiliation: 'Galvez, D (Corresponding Author), Univ Panama, Programa Centroamer Maestria Entomol, Ciudad Univ,Apartado 3366, Panama City 4, Panama. Virola-V, Brenda Sofia; Abrego, Jeancarlos; Castillo, Dilma; Galvez, Dumas, Univ Panama, Programa Centroamer Maestria Entomol, Ciudad Univ,Apartado 3366, Panama City 4, Panama. Abrego, Jeancarlos; Galvez, Dumas, Sistema Nacl Invest, Edificio 205,Clayton Apartado 0816, Panama City 02852, Panama. Bonilla, Eleodoro, Univ Panama, Escuela Biol, Ciudad Univ,Apartado 3366, Panama City 4, Panama. Galvez, Dumas, Smithsonian Trop Res Inst, POB 0843, Panama City 03092, Panama. Galvez, Dumas, Coiba Scienhf Stn, Calle Gustavo Lara,Bld 145B, Clayton, Vic 0843, Australia.' author: Virola-V, Brenda Sofia and Abrego, Jeancarlos and Castillo, Dilma and Bonilla, Eleodoro and Galvez, Dumas author-email: dumas.galvezs@up.ac.pa author_list: - family: Virola-V given: Brenda Sofia - family: Abrego given: Jeancarlos - family: Castillo given: Dilma - family: Bonilla given: Eleodoro - family: Galvez given: Dumas da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.25849/myrmecol.news\_032:115 files: [] issn: 1994-4136 journal: MYRMECOLOGICAL NEWS keywords: 'Altmetric; ant physiology; Formicidae; global science; Hymenoptera; impact factor; parachute science; systematic review; scientific colonialism' keywords-plus: 'HYMENOPTERA-FORMICIDAE; TEMPERATE; DIVERSITY; ABUNDANCE; JOURNALS; ECOLOGY' language: English number-of-cited-references: '81' pages: 115-125 papis_id: 36ac823345c519e70e30cf46826116c2 ref: Virolav2022whois researcherid-numbers: Gálvez, Dumas/GRY-0855-2022 times-cited: '0' title: Who is working on ant physiology? There is room to improve international collaborations type: article unique-id: WOS:000847188200001 usage-count-last-180-days: '4' usage-count-since-2013: '7' volume: '32' web-of-science-categories: Entomology year: '2022'