abstract: 'Taking a cross-national comparative perspective, this study analyses differences in individual determinants of the low-wage risk across institutional settings. It builds on previous research that dealt with the impact of labour market reform measures on the distribution of labour market risks in advanced economies. It is widely held that such reforms have a particularly adverse effect on labour market outsiders, specifically on entrants to the labour market. We seek to differentiate this assumption and to show that this presumed effect is conditional on the configuration of the bargaining system. Using hierarchical models that match EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) microdata with several macro indicators for 20 countries, we find that, in contexts with a high degree of bargaining centralization, the relative low-wage risk of entrants and re-entrants from inactivity increases with commodification and deregulation. If bargaining is decentralized, however, the effects of labour market reform policies on insider/outsider disparities are marginal. Additionally, we show that the same still holds true if a measure of employment protection legislation (EPL) is regarded as the moderating institutional filter. We explain these findings with theoretical concerns based on the concept of closure. These predict that centralized bargaining structures and high EPL (or, rather, closed employment relationships) will systematically channel risks produced by reform measures to the periphery of the labour market.' affiliation: 'Giesselmann, M (Corresponding Author), DIW Berlin, Socioecon Panel Study SOEP, Mohrenstr 58, D-10117 Berlin, Germany. DIW Berlin, Socioecon Panel Study SOEP, D-10117 Berlin, Germany.' author: Giesselmann, Marco author-email: mgiesselmann@diw.de author_list: - family: Giesselmann given: Marco da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1093/esr/jcu053 eissn: 1468-2672 files: [] issn: 0266-7215 journal: EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW keywords: 'centralization; deregulation; closure; low wage; entrants; eu-silc; europe' keywords-plus: 'EUROPEAN COUNTRIES; UNITED-STATES; WORKING POOR; WEST-GERMANY; INSTITUTIONS; INEQUALITY; EMPLOYMENT' language: English month: OCT number: '5' number-of-cited-references: '49' orcid-numbers: Giesselmann, Marco/0000-0001-6769-3612 pages: 549-561 papis_id: e087bc406bc0dc383a6864c4f471e8c4 ref: Giesselmann2014impactlabour times-cited: '8' title: The Impact of Labour Market Reform Policies on Insiders' and Outsiders' Low-Wage Risk type: article unique-id: WOS:000343329200001 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '22' volume: '30' web-of-science-categories: Sociology year: '2014'