local pandoc = require('pandoc') print('zotero-live-citations f47be20') local mt, latest = pandoc.mediabag.fetch('https://retorque.re/zotero-better-bibtex/exporting/zotero.lua.revision') latest = string.sub(latest, 1, 10) if 'f47be20' ~= latest then print('new version "' .. latest .. '" available at https://retorque.re/zotero-better-bibtex/exporting') end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload["locator"] = function(...) local arg = _G.arg; local utils = require('utils') -- local lpeg = require('lpeg') local book = (lpeg.P('book') + lpeg.P('bk.') + lpeg.P('bks.')) / 'book' local chapter = (lpeg.P('chapter') + lpeg.P('chap.') + lpeg.P('chaps.')) / 'chapter' local column = (lpeg.P('column') + lpeg.P('col.') + lpeg.P('cols.')) / 'column' local figure = (lpeg.P('figure') + lpeg.P('fig.') + lpeg.P('figs.')) / 'figure' local folio = (lpeg.P('folio') + lpeg.P('fol.') + lpeg.P('fols.')) / 'folio' local number = (lpeg.P('number') + lpeg.P('no.') + lpeg.P('nos.')) / 'number' local line = (lpeg.P('line') + lpeg.P('l.') + lpeg.P('ll.')) / 'line' local note = (lpeg.P('note') + lpeg.P('n.') + lpeg.P('nn.')) / 'note' local opus = (lpeg.P('opus') + lpeg.P('op.') + lpeg.P('opp.')) / 'opus' local page = (lpeg.P('page') + lpeg.P('p.') + lpeg.P('pp.')) / 'page' local paragraph = (lpeg.P('paragraph') + lpeg.P('para.') + lpeg.P('paras.') + lpeg.P('¶¶') + lpeg.P('¶')) / 'paragraph' local part = (lpeg.P('part') + lpeg.P('pt.') + lpeg.P('pts.')) / 'part' local section = (lpeg.P('section') + lpeg.P('sec.') + lpeg.P('secs.') + lpeg.P('§§') + lpeg.P('§')) / 'section' local subverbo = (lpeg.P('sub verbo') + lpeg.P('s.v.') + lpeg.P('s.vv.')) / 'sub verbo' local verse = (lpeg.P('verse') + lpeg.P('v.') + lpeg.P('vv.')) / 'verse' local volume = (lpeg.P('volume') + lpeg.P('vol.') + lpeg.P('vols.')) / 'volume' local label = book + chapter + column + figure + folio + number + line + note + opus + page + paragraph + part + section + subverbo + verse + volume local whitespace = lpeg.P(' ') ^ 0 local nonspace = lpeg.P(1) - lpeg.S(' ') local nonbrace = lpeg.P(1) - lpeg.S('{}') local word = nonspace ^ 1 / 1 -- local roman = lpeg.S('IiVvXxLlCcDdMm]')^1 local number = lpeg.R('09') ^ 1 -- + roman local numbers = number * (whitespace * lpeg.S('-') ^ 1 * whitespace * number) ^ -1 local ranges = (numbers * (whitespace * lpeg.P(',') * whitespace * numbers) ^ 0) / 1 -- local braced_locator = lpeg.P('{') * lpeg.Cs(label + lpeg.Cc('page')) * whitespace * lpeg.C(nonbrace^1) * lpeg.P('}') local braced_locator = lpeg.P('{') * label * whitespace * lpeg.C(nonbrace ^ 1) * lpeg.P('}') local braced_implicit_locator = lpeg.P('{') * lpeg.Cc('page') * lpeg.Cs(numbers) * lpeg.P('}') local locator = braced_locator + braced_implicit_locator + (label * whitespace * ranges) + (label * whitespace * word) + (lpeg.Cc('page') * ranges) local remainder = lpeg.C(lpeg.P(1) ^ 0) local suffix = lpeg.C(lpeg.P(',') ^ -1 * whitespace) * locator * remainder local pseudo_locator = lpeg.C(lpeg.P(',') ^ -1 * whitespace) * lpeg.P('{') * lpeg.C(nonbrace ^ 0) * lpeg.P('}') * remainder local module = {} function module.parse(input, shortlabel) local parsed = lpeg.Ct(suffix):match(input) if parsed then local _prefix, _label, _locator, _suffix = table.unpack(parsed) if utils.trim(_prefix) == ',' then _prefix = '' end return _label, _locator, _prefix .. _suffix end parsed = lpeg.Ct(pseudo_locator):match(input) if parsed then local _prefix, _locator, _suffix = table.unpack(parsed) if utils.trim(_prefix) == ',' then _prefix = '' end -- return nil, nil, _prefix .. _locator .. _suffix return 'page', _locator, _prefix .. _suffix end return nil, nil, input end return module end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload["lunajson"] = function(...) local arg = _G.arg; local newdecoder = require 'lunajson.decoder' local newencoder = require 'lunajson.encoder' local sax = require 'lunajson.sax' -- If you need multiple contexts of decoder and/or encoder, -- you can require lunajson.decoder and/or lunajson.encoder directly. return { decode = newdecoder(), encode = newencoder(), newparser = sax.newparser, newfileparser = sax.newfileparser, } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload["lunajson.decoder"] = function(...) local arg = _G.arg; local setmetatable, tonumber, tostring = setmetatable, tonumber, tostring local floor, inf = math.floor, math.huge local mininteger, tointeger = math.mininteger or nil, math.tointeger or nil local byte, char, find, gsub, match, sub = string.byte, string.char, string.find, string.gsub, string.match, string.sub local function _decode_error(pos, errmsg) error("parse error at " .. pos .. ": " .. errmsg, 2) end local f_str_ctrl_pat if _VERSION == "Lua 5.1" then -- use the cluttered pattern because lua 5.1 does not handle \0 in a pattern correctly f_str_ctrl_pat = '[^\32-\255]' else f_str_ctrl_pat = '[\0-\31]' end local _ENV = nil local function newdecoder() local json, pos, nullv, arraylen, rec_depth -- `f` is the temporary for dispatcher[c] and -- the dummy for the first return value of `find` local dispatcher, f --[[ Helper --]] local function decode_error(errmsg) return _decode_error(pos, errmsg) end --[[ Invalid --]] local function f_err() decode_error('invalid value') end --[[ Constants --]] -- null local function f_nul() if sub(json, pos, pos + 2) == 'ull' then pos = pos + 3 return nullv end decode_error('invalid value') end -- false local function f_fls() if sub(json, pos, pos + 3) == 'alse' then pos = pos + 4 return false end decode_error('invalid value') end -- true local function f_tru() if sub(json, pos, pos + 2) == 'rue' then pos = pos + 3 return true end decode_error('invalid value') end --[[ Numbers Conceptually, the longest prefix that matches to `[-+.0-9A-Za-z]+` (in regexp) is captured as a number and its conformance to the JSON spec is checked. --]] -- deal with non-standard locales local radixmark = match(tostring(0.5), '[^0-9]') local fixedtonumber = tonumber if radixmark ~= '.' then if find(radixmark, '%W') then radixmark = '%' .. radixmark end fixedtonumber = function(s) return tonumber(gsub(s, '.', radixmark)) end end local function number_error() return decode_error('invalid number') end -- `0(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]*)?` local function f_zro(mns) local num, c = match(json, '^(%.?[0-9]*)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) -- skipping 0 if num == '' then if c == '' then if mns then return -0.0 end return 0 end if c == 'e' or c == 'E' then num, c = match(json, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) if c == '' then pos = pos + #num if mns then return -0.0 end return 0.0 end end number_error() end if byte(num) ~= 0x2E or byte(num, -1) == 0x2E then number_error() end if c ~= '' then if c == 'e' or c == 'E' then num, c = match(json, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) end if c ~= '' then number_error() end end pos = pos + #num c = fixedtonumber(num) if mns then c = -c end return c end -- `[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]*)?` local function f_num(mns) pos = pos - 1 local num, c = match(json, '^([0-9]+%.?[0-9]*)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) if byte(num, -1) == 0x2E then -- error if ended with period number_error() end if c ~= '' then if c ~= 'e' and c ~= 'E' then number_error() end num, c = match(json, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) if not num or c ~= '' then number_error() end end pos = pos + #num c = fixedtonumber(num) if mns then c = -c if c == mininteger and not find(num, '[^0-9]') then c = mininteger end end return c end -- skip minus sign local function f_mns() local c = byte(json, pos) if c then pos = pos + 1 if c > 0x30 then if c < 0x3A then return f_num(true) end else if c > 0x2F then return f_zro(true) end end end decode_error('invalid number') end --[[ Strings --]] local f_str_hextbl = { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF, __index = function() return inf end } setmetatable(f_str_hextbl, f_str_hextbl) local f_str_escapetbl = { ['"'] = '"', ['\\'] = '\\', ['/'] = '/', ['b'] = '\b', ['f'] = '\f', ['n'] = '\n', ['r'] = '\r', ['t'] = '\t', __index = function() decode_error("invalid escape sequence") end } setmetatable(f_str_escapetbl, f_str_escapetbl) local function surrogate_first_error() return decode_error("1st surrogate pair byte not continued by 2nd") end local f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 local function f_str_subst(ch, ucode) if ch == 'u' then local c1, c2, c3, c4, rest = byte(ucode, 1, 5) ucode = f_str_hextbl[c1 - 47] * 0x1000 + f_str_hextbl[c2 - 47] * 0x100 + f_str_hextbl[c3 - 47] * 0x10 + f_str_hextbl[c4 - 47] if ucode ~= inf then if ucode < 0x80 then -- 1byte if rest then return char(ucode, rest) end return char(ucode) elseif ucode < 0x800 then -- 2bytes c1 = floor(ucode / 0x40) c2 = ucode - c1 * 0x40 c1 = c1 + 0xC0 c2 = c2 + 0x80 if rest then return char(c1, c2, rest) end return char(c1, c2) elseif ucode < 0xD800 or 0xE000 <= ucode then -- 3bytes c1 = floor(ucode / 0x1000) ucode = ucode - c1 * 0x1000 c2 = floor(ucode / 0x40) c3 = ucode - c2 * 0x40 c1 = c1 + 0xE0 c2 = c2 + 0x80 c3 = c3 + 0x80 if rest then return char(c1, c2, c3, rest) end return char(c1, c2, c3) elseif 0xD800 <= ucode and ucode < 0xDC00 then -- surrogate pair 1st if f_str_surrogate_prev == 0 then f_str_surrogate_prev = ucode if not rest then return '' end surrogate_first_error() end f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 surrogate_first_error() else -- surrogate pair 2nd if f_str_surrogate_prev ~= 0 then ucode = 0x10000 + (f_str_surrogate_prev - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (ucode - 0xDC00) f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 c1 = floor(ucode / 0x40000) ucode = ucode - c1 * 0x40000 c2 = floor(ucode / 0x1000) ucode = ucode - c2 * 0x1000 c3 = floor(ucode / 0x40) c4 = ucode - c3 * 0x40 c1 = c1 + 0xF0 c2 = c2 + 0x80 c3 = c3 + 0x80 c4 = c4 + 0x80 if rest then return char(c1, c2, c3, c4, rest) end return char(c1, c2, c3, c4) end decode_error("2nd surrogate pair byte appeared without 1st") end end decode_error("invalid unicode codepoint literal") end if f_str_surrogate_prev ~= 0 then f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 surrogate_first_error() end return f_str_escapetbl[ch] .. ucode end -- caching interpreted keys for speed local f_str_keycache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" }) local function f_str(iskey) local newpos = pos local tmppos, c1, c2 repeat newpos = find(json, '"', newpos, true) -- search '"' if not newpos then decode_error("unterminated string") end tmppos = newpos - 1 newpos = newpos + 1 c1, c2 = byte(json, tmppos - 1, tmppos) if c2 == 0x5C and c1 == 0x5C then -- skip preceding '\\'s repeat tmppos = tmppos - 2 c1, c2 = byte(json, tmppos - 1, tmppos) until c2 ~= 0x5C or c1 ~= 0x5C tmppos = newpos - 2 end until c2 ~= 0x5C -- leave if '"' is not preceded by '\' local str = sub(json, pos, tmppos) pos = newpos if iskey then -- check key cache tmppos = f_str_keycache[str] -- reuse tmppos for cache key/val if tmppos then return tmppos end tmppos = str end if find(str, f_str_ctrl_pat) then decode_error("unescaped control string") end if find(str, '\\', 1, true) then -- check whether a backslash exists -- We need to grab 4 characters after the escape char, -- for encoding unicode codepoint to UTF-8. -- As we need to ensure that every first surrogate pair byte is -- immediately followed by second one, we grab upto 5 characters and -- check the last for this purpose. str = gsub(str, '\\(.)([^\\]?[^\\]?[^\\]?[^\\]?[^\\]?)', f_str_subst) if f_str_surrogate_prev ~= 0 then f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 decode_error("1st surrogate pair byte not continued by 2nd") end end if iskey then -- commit key cache f_str_keycache[tmppos] = str end return str end --[[ Arrays, Objects --]] -- array local function f_ary() rec_depth = rec_depth + 1 if rec_depth > 1000 then decode_error('too deeply nested json (> 1000)') end local ary = {} pos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) local i = 0 if byte(json, pos) == 0x5D then -- check closing bracket ']' which means the array empty pos = pos + 1 else local newpos = pos repeat i = i + 1 f = dispatcher[byte(json, newpos)] -- parse value pos = newpos + 1 ary[i] = f() newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*,[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) -- check comma until not newpos newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*%]()', pos) -- check closing bracket if not newpos then decode_error("no closing bracket of an array") end pos = newpos end if arraylen then -- commit the length of the array if `arraylen` is set ary[0] = i end rec_depth = rec_depth - 1 return ary end -- objects local function f_obj() rec_depth = rec_depth + 1 if rec_depth > 1000 then decode_error('too deeply nested json (> 1000)') end local obj = {} pos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) if byte(json, pos) == 0x7D then -- check closing bracket '}' which means the object empty pos = pos + 1 else local newpos = pos repeat if byte(json, newpos) ~= 0x22 then -- check '"' decode_error("not key") end pos = newpos + 1 local key = f_str(true) -- parse key -- optimized for compact json -- c1, c2 == ':', or -- c1, c2, c3 == ':', ' ', f = f_err local c1, c2, c3 = byte(json, pos, pos + 3) if c1 == 0x3A then if c2 ~= 0x20 then f = dispatcher[c2] newpos = pos + 2 else f = dispatcher[c3] newpos = pos + 3 end end if f == f_err then -- read a colon and arbitrary number of spaces newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*:[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) if not newpos then decode_error("no colon after a key") end f = dispatcher[byte(json, newpos)] newpos = newpos + 1 end pos = newpos obj[key] = f() -- parse value newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*,[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) until not newpos newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*}()', pos) if not newpos then decode_error("no closing bracket of an object") end pos = newpos end rec_depth = rec_depth - 1 return obj end --[[ The jump table to dispatch a parser for a value, indexed by the code of the value's first char. Nil key means the end of json. --]] dispatcher = { [0] = f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_str, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_mns, f_err, f_err, f_zro, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_ary, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_fls, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_nul, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_tru, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_obj, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, __index = function() decode_error("unexpected termination") end } setmetatable(dispatcher, dispatcher) --[[ run decoder --]] local function decode(json_, pos_, nullv_, arraylen_) json, pos, nullv, arraylen = json_, pos_, nullv_, arraylen_ rec_depth = 0 pos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) f = dispatcher[byte(json, pos)] pos = pos + 1 local v = f() if pos_ then return v, pos else f, pos = find(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*', pos) if pos ~= #json then decode_error('json ended') end return v end end return decode end return newdecoder end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload["lunajson.encoder"] = function(...) local arg = _G.arg; local error = error local byte, find, format, gsub, match = string.byte, string.find, string.format, string.gsub, string.match local concat = table.concat local tostring = tostring local pairs, type = pairs, type local setmetatable = setmetatable local huge, tiny = 1 / 0, -1 / 0 local f_string_esc_pat if _VERSION == "Lua 5.1" then -- use the cluttered pattern because lua 5.1 does not handle \0 in a pattern correctly f_string_esc_pat = '[^ -!#-[%]^-\255]' else f_string_esc_pat = '[\0-\31"\\]' end local _ENV = nil local function newencoder() local v, nullv local i, builder, visited local function f_tostring(v) builder[i] = tostring(v) i = i + 1 end local radixmark = match(tostring(0.5), '[^0-9]') local delimmark = match(tostring(12345.12345), '[^0-9' .. radixmark .. ']') if radixmark == '.' then radixmark = nil end local radixordelim if radixmark or delimmark then radixordelim = true if radixmark and find(radixmark, '%W') then radixmark = '%' .. radixmark end if delimmark and find(delimmark, '%W') then delimmark = '%' .. delimmark end end local f_number = function(n) if tiny < n and n < huge then local s = format("%.17g", n) if radixordelim then if delimmark then s = gsub(s, delimmark, '') end if radixmark then s = gsub(s, radixmark, '.') end end builder[i] = s i = i + 1 return end error('invalid number') end local doencode local f_string_subst = { ['"'] = '\\"', ['\\'] = '\\\\', ['\b'] = '\\b', ['\f'] = '\\f', ['\n'] = '\\n', ['\r'] = '\\r', ['\t'] = '\\t', __index = function(_, c) return format('\\u00%02X', byte(c)) end } setmetatable(f_string_subst, f_string_subst) local function f_string(s) builder[i] = '"' if find(s, f_string_esc_pat) then s = gsub(s, f_string_esc_pat, f_string_subst) end builder[i + 1] = s builder[i + 2] = '"' i = i + 3 end local function f_table(o) if visited[o] then error("loop detected") end visited[o] = true local tmp = o[0] if type(tmp) == 'number' then -- arraylen available builder[i] = '[' i = i + 1 for j = 1, tmp do doencode(o[j]) builder[i] = ',' i = i + 1 end if tmp > 0 then i = i - 1 end builder[i] = ']' else tmp = o[1] if tmp ~= nil then -- detected as array builder[i] = '[' i = i + 1 local j = 2 repeat doencode(tmp) tmp = o[j] if tmp == nil then break end j = j + 1 builder[i] = ',' i = i + 1 until false builder[i] = ']' else -- detected as object builder[i] = '{' i = i + 1 local tmp = i for k, v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'string' then error("non-string key") end f_string(k) builder[i] = ':' i = i + 1 doencode(v) builder[i] = ',' i = i + 1 end if i > tmp then i = i - 1 end builder[i] = '}' end end i = i + 1 visited[o] = nil end local dispatcher = { boolean = f_tostring, number = f_number, string = f_string, table = f_table, __index = function() error("invalid type value") end } setmetatable(dispatcher, dispatcher) function doencode(v) if v == nullv then builder[i] = 'null' i = i + 1 return end return dispatcher[type(v)](v) end local function encode(v_, nullv_) v, nullv = v_, nullv_ i, builder, visited = 1, {}, {} doencode(v) return concat(builder) end return encode end return newencoder end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload["lunajson.sax"] = function(...) local arg = _G.arg; local setmetatable, tonumber, tostring = setmetatable, tonumber, tostring local floor, inf = math.floor, math.huge local mininteger, tointeger = math.mininteger or nil, math.tointeger or nil local byte, char, find, gsub, match, sub = string.byte, string.char, string.find, string.gsub, string.match, string.sub local function _parse_error(pos, errmsg) error("parse error at " .. pos .. ": " .. errmsg, 2) end local f_str_ctrl_pat if _VERSION == "Lua 5.1" then -- use the cluttered pattern because lua 5.1 does not handle \0 in a pattern correctly f_str_ctrl_pat = '[^\32-\255]' else f_str_ctrl_pat = '[\0-\31]' end local type, unpack = type, table.unpack or unpack local open = io.open local _ENV = nil local function nop() end local function newparser(src, saxtbl) local json, jsonnxt, rec_depth local jsonlen, pos, acc = 0, 1, 0 -- `f` is the temporary for dispatcher[c] and -- the dummy for the first return value of `find` local dispatcher, f -- initialize if type(src) == 'string' then json = src jsonlen = #json jsonnxt = function() json = '' jsonlen = 0 jsonnxt = nop end else jsonnxt = function() acc = acc + jsonlen pos = 1 repeat json = src() if not json then json = '' jsonlen = 0 jsonnxt = nop return end jsonlen = #json until jsonlen > 0 end jsonnxt() end local sax_startobject = saxtbl.startobject or nop local sax_key = saxtbl.key or nop local sax_endobject = saxtbl.endobject or nop local sax_startarray = saxtbl.startarray or nop local sax_endarray = saxtbl.endarray or nop local sax_string = saxtbl.string or nop local sax_number = saxtbl.number or nop local sax_boolean = saxtbl.boolean or nop local sax_null = saxtbl.null or nop --[[ Helper --]] local function tryc() local c = byte(json, pos) if not c then jsonnxt() c = byte(json, pos) end return c end local function parse_error(errmsg) return _parse_error(acc + pos, errmsg) end local function tellc() return tryc() or parse_error("unexpected termination") end local function spaces() -- skip spaces and prepare the next char while true do pos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) if pos <= jsonlen then return end if jsonlen == 0 then parse_error("unexpected termination") end jsonnxt() end end --[[ Invalid --]] local function f_err() parse_error('invalid value') end --[[ Constants --]] -- fallback slow constants parser local function generic_constant(target, targetlen, ret, sax_f) for i = 1, targetlen do local c = tellc() if byte(target, i) ~= c then parse_error("invalid char") end pos = pos + 1 end return sax_f(ret) end -- null local function f_nul() if sub(json, pos, pos + 2) == 'ull' then pos = pos + 3 return sax_null(nil) end return generic_constant('ull', 3, nil, sax_null) end -- false local function f_fls() if sub(json, pos, pos + 3) == 'alse' then pos = pos + 4 return sax_boolean(false) end return generic_constant('alse', 4, false, sax_boolean) end -- true local function f_tru() if sub(json, pos, pos + 2) == 'rue' then pos = pos + 3 return sax_boolean(true) end return generic_constant('rue', 3, true, sax_boolean) end --[[ Numbers Conceptually, the longest prefix that matches to `[-+.0-9A-Za-z]+` (in regexp) is captured as a number and its conformance to the JSON spec is checked. --]] -- deal with non-standard locales local radixmark = match(tostring(0.5), '[^0-9]') local fixedtonumber = tonumber if radixmark ~= '.' then if find(radixmark, '%W') then radixmark = '%' .. radixmark end fixedtonumber = function(s) return tonumber(gsub(s, '.', radixmark)) end end local function number_error() return parse_error('invalid number') end -- fallback slow parser local function generic_number(mns) local buf = {} local i = 1 local is_int = true local c = byte(json, pos) pos = pos + 1 local function nxt() buf[i] = c i = i + 1 c = tryc() pos = pos + 1 end if c == 0x30 then nxt() if c and 0x30 <= c and c < 0x3A then number_error() end else repeat nxt() until not (c and 0x30 <= c and c < 0x3A) end if c == 0x2E then is_int = false nxt() if not (c and 0x30 <= c and c < 0x3A) then number_error() end repeat nxt() until not (c and 0x30 <= c and c < 0x3A) end if c == 0x45 or c == 0x65 then is_int = false nxt() if c == 0x2B or c == 0x2D then nxt() end if not (c and 0x30 <= c and c < 0x3A) then number_error() end repeat nxt() until not (c and 0x30 <= c and c < 0x3A) end if c and (0x41 <= c and c <= 0x5B or 0x61 <= c and c <= 0x7B or c == 0x2B or c == 0x2D or c == 0x2E) then number_error() end pos = pos - 1 local num = char(unpack(buf)) num = fixedtonumber(num) if mns then num = -num if num == mininteger and is_int then num = mininteger end end return sax_number(num) end -- `0(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]*)?` local function f_zro(mns) local num, c = match(json, '^(%.?[0-9]*)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) -- skipping 0 if num == '' then if pos > jsonlen then pos = pos - 1 return generic_number(mns) end if c == '' then if mns then return sax_number(-0.0) end return sax_number(0) end if c == 'e' or c == 'E' then num, c = match(json, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) if c == '' then pos = pos + #num if pos > jsonlen then pos = pos - #num - 1 return generic_number(mns) end if mns then return sax_number(-0.0) end return sax_number(0.0) end end pos = pos - 1 return generic_number(mns) end if byte(num) ~= 0x2E or byte(num, -1) == 0x2E then pos = pos - 1 return generic_number(mns) end if c ~= '' then if c == 'e' or c == 'E' then num, c = match(json, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) end if c ~= '' then pos = pos - 1 return generic_number(mns) end end pos = pos + #num if pos > jsonlen then pos = pos - #num - 1 return generic_number(mns) end c = fixedtonumber(num) if mns then c = -c end return sax_number(c) end -- `[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]*)?` local function f_num(mns) pos = pos - 1 local num, c = match(json, '^([0-9]+%.?[0-9]*)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) if byte(num, -1) == 0x2E then -- error if ended with period return generic_number(mns) end if c ~= '' then if c ~= 'e' and c ~= 'E' then return generic_number(mns) end num, c = match(json, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)([-+.A-Za-z]?)', pos) if not num or c ~= '' then return generic_number(mns) end end pos = pos + #num if pos > jsonlen then pos = pos - #num return generic_number(mns) end c = fixedtonumber(num) if mns then c = -c if c == mininteger and not find(num, '[^0-9]') then c = mininteger end end return sax_number(c) end -- skip minus sign local function f_mns() local c = byte(json, pos) or tellc() if c then pos = pos + 1 if c > 0x30 then if c < 0x3A then return f_num(true) end else if c > 0x2F then return f_zro(true) end end end parse_error("invalid number") end --[[ Strings --]] local f_str_hextbl = { 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF, __index = function() return inf end } setmetatable(f_str_hextbl, f_str_hextbl) local f_str_escapetbl = { ['"'] = '"', ['\\'] = '\\', ['/'] = '/', ['b'] = '\b', ['f'] = '\f', ['n'] = '\n', ['r'] = '\r', ['t'] = '\t', __index = function() parse_error("invalid escape sequence") end } setmetatable(f_str_escapetbl, f_str_escapetbl) local function surrogate_first_error() return parse_error("1st surrogate pair byte not continued by 2nd") end local f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 local function f_str_subst(ch, ucode) if ch == 'u' then local c1, c2, c3, c4, rest = byte(ucode, 1, 5) ucode = f_str_hextbl[c1 - 47] * 0x1000 + f_str_hextbl[c2 - 47] * 0x100 + f_str_hextbl[c3 - 47] * 0x10 + f_str_hextbl[c4 - 47] if ucode ~= inf then if ucode < 0x80 then -- 1byte if rest then return char(ucode, rest) end return char(ucode) elseif ucode < 0x800 then -- 2bytes c1 = floor(ucode / 0x40) c2 = ucode - c1 * 0x40 c1 = c1 + 0xC0 c2 = c2 + 0x80 if rest then return char(c1, c2, rest) end return char(c1, c2) elseif ucode < 0xD800 or 0xE000 <= ucode then -- 3bytes c1 = floor(ucode / 0x1000) ucode = ucode - c1 * 0x1000 c2 = floor(ucode / 0x40) c3 = ucode - c2 * 0x40 c1 = c1 + 0xE0 c2 = c2 + 0x80 c3 = c3 + 0x80 if rest then return char(c1, c2, c3, rest) end return char(c1, c2, c3) elseif 0xD800 <= ucode and ucode < 0xDC00 then -- surrogate pair 1st if f_str_surrogate_prev == 0 then f_str_surrogate_prev = ucode if not rest then return '' end surrogate_first_error() end f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 surrogate_first_error() else -- surrogate pair 2nd if f_str_surrogate_prev ~= 0 then ucode = 0x10000 + (f_str_surrogate_prev - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (ucode - 0xDC00) f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 c1 = floor(ucode / 0x40000) ucode = ucode - c1 * 0x40000 c2 = floor(ucode / 0x1000) ucode = ucode - c2 * 0x1000 c3 = floor(ucode / 0x40) c4 = ucode - c3 * 0x40 c1 = c1 + 0xF0 c2 = c2 + 0x80 c3 = c3 + 0x80 c4 = c4 + 0x80 if rest then return char(c1, c2, c3, c4, rest) end return char(c1, c2, c3, c4) end parse_error("2nd surrogate pair byte appeared without 1st") end end parse_error("invalid unicode codepoint literal") end if f_str_surrogate_prev ~= 0 then f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 surrogate_first_error() end return f_str_escapetbl[ch] .. ucode end local function f_str(iskey) local pos2 = pos local newpos local str = '' local bs while true do while true do -- search '\' or '"' newpos = find(json, '[\\"]', pos2) if newpos then break end str = str .. sub(json, pos, jsonlen) if pos2 == jsonlen + 2 then pos2 = 2 else pos2 = 1 end jsonnxt() if jsonlen == 0 then parse_error("unterminated string") end end if byte(json, newpos) == 0x22 then -- break if '"' break end pos2 = newpos + 2 -- skip '\' bs = true -- mark the existence of a backslash end str = str .. sub(json, pos, newpos - 1) pos = newpos + 1 if find(str, f_str_ctrl_pat) then parse_error("unescaped control string") end if bs then -- a backslash exists -- We need to grab 4 characters after the escape char, -- for encoding unicode codepoint to UTF-8. -- As we need to ensure that every first surrogate pair byte is -- immediately followed by second one, we grab upto 5 characters and -- check the last for this purpose. str = gsub(str, '\\(.)([^\\]?[^\\]?[^\\]?[^\\]?[^\\]?)', f_str_subst) if f_str_surrogate_prev ~= 0 then f_str_surrogate_prev = 0 parse_error("1st surrogate pair byte not continued by 2nd") end end if iskey then return sax_key(str) end return sax_string(str) end --[[ Arrays, Objects --]] -- arrays local function f_ary() rec_depth = rec_depth + 1 if rec_depth > 1000 then parse_error('too deeply nested json (> 1000)') end sax_startarray() spaces() if byte(json, pos) == 0x5D then -- check closing bracket ']' which means the array empty pos = pos + 1 else local newpos while true do f = dispatcher[byte(json, pos)] -- parse value pos = pos + 1 f() newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*,[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) -- check comma if newpos then pos = newpos else newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*%]()', pos) -- check closing bracket if newpos then pos = newpos break end spaces() -- since the current chunk can be ended, skip spaces toward following chunks local c = byte(json, pos) pos = pos + 1 if c == 0x2C then -- check comma again spaces() elseif c == 0x5D then -- check closing bracket again break else parse_error("no closing bracket of an array") end end if pos > jsonlen then spaces() end end end rec_depth = rec_depth - 1 return sax_endarray() end -- objects local function f_obj() rec_depth = rec_depth + 1 if rec_depth > 1000 then parse_error('too deeply nested json (> 1000)') end sax_startobject() spaces() if byte(json, pos) == 0x7D then -- check closing bracket '}' which means the object empty pos = pos + 1 else local newpos while true do if byte(json, pos) ~= 0x22 then parse_error("not key") end pos = pos + 1 f_str(true) -- parse key newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*:[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) -- check colon if newpos then pos = newpos else spaces() -- read spaces through chunks if byte(json, pos) ~= 0x3A then -- check colon again parse_error("no colon after a key") end pos = pos + 1 spaces() end if pos > jsonlen then spaces() end f = dispatcher[byte(json, pos)] pos = pos + 1 f() -- parse value newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*,[ \n\r\t]*()', pos) -- check comma if newpos then pos = newpos else newpos = match(json, '^[ \n\r\t]*}()', pos) -- check closing bracket if newpos then pos = newpos break end spaces() -- read spaces through chunks local c = byte(json, pos) pos = pos + 1 if c == 0x2C then -- check comma again spaces() elseif c == 0x7D then -- check closing bracket again break else parse_error("no closing bracket of an object") end end if pos > jsonlen then spaces() end end end rec_depth = rec_depth - 1 return sax_endobject() end --[[ The jump table to dispatch a parser for a value, indexed by the code of the value's first char. Key should be non-nil. --]] dispatcher = { [0] = f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_str, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_mns, f_err, f_err, f_zro, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_num, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_ary, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_fls, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_nul, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_tru, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_obj, f_err, f_err, f_err, f_err, } --[[ public funcitons --]] local function run() rec_depth = 0 spaces() f = dispatcher[byte(json, pos)] pos = pos + 1 f() end local function read(n) if n < 0 then error("the argument must be non-negative") end local pos2 = (pos - 1) + n local str = sub(json, pos, pos2) while pos2 > jsonlen and jsonlen ~= 0 do jsonnxt() pos2 = pos2 - (jsonlen - (pos - 1)) str = str .. sub(json, pos, pos2) end if jsonlen ~= 0 then pos = pos2 + 1 end return str end local function tellpos() return acc + pos end return { run = run, tryc = tryc, read = read, tellpos = tellpos, } end local function newfileparser(fn, saxtbl) local fp = open(fn) local function gen() local s if fp then s = fp:read(8192) if not s then fp:close() fp = nil end end return s end return newparser(gen, saxtbl) end return { newparser = newparser, newfileparser = newfileparser } end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload["utils"] = function(...) local arg = _G.arg; local module = {} function module.tablelength(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end module.id_number = 0 function module.next_id(length) module.id_number = module.id_number + 1 return string.format(string.format('%%0%dd', length), module.id_number) end local function url_encode_char(chr) return string.format("%%%X", string.byte(chr)) end function module.urlencode(str) local output, t = string.gsub(str, "[^%w]", url_encode_char) return output end function module.xmlescape(str) return string.gsub(str, '["<>&]', { ['&'] = '&', ['<'] = '<', ['>'] = '>', ['"'] = '"' }) end function module.trim(s) return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) end function module.deepcopy(orig) local orig_type = type(orig) local copy if orig_type == 'table' then copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do copy[module.deepcopy(orig_key)] = module.deepcopy(orig_value) end setmetatable(copy, module.deepcopy(getmetatable(orig))) else -- number, string, boolean, etc copy = orig end return copy end function module.trim(s) if s == nil then return s end return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) end return module end end do local _ENV = _ENV package.preload["zotero"] = function(...) local arg = _G.arg; local module = {} local utils = require('utils') local json = require('lunajson') -- local pl = require('pl.pretty') -- for pl.pretty.dump local state = { reported = {}, } module.citekeys = {} function module.authors(csl_or_item) local authors = {} local author if csl_or_item.author ~= nil then for _, author in ipairs(csl_or_item.author) do if author.literal ~= nil then table.insert(authors, author.literal) elseif author.family ~= nil then table.insert(authors, author.family) end end elseif csl_or_item.creators ~= nil then for _, author in ipairs(csl_or_item.creators) do if author.name ~= nil then table.insert(authors, author.name) elseif author.lastName ~= nil then table.insert(authors, author.lastName) end end elseif csl_or_item.reporter ~= nil then table.insert(authors, csl_or_item.reporter) end if utils.tablelength(authors) == 0 then return nil end local last = table.remove(authors) if utils.tablelength(authors) == 0 then return last end authors = table.concat(authors, ', ') return table.concat({ authors, last }, ' and ') end local function load_items() if state.fetched ~= nil then return end state.fetched = { items = {}, errors = {}, } local citekeys = {} for k, _ in pairs(module.citekeys) do table.insert(citekeys, k) end if utils.tablelength(citekeys) == 0 then return end citekeys = table.concat(citekeys, ',') local url = module.url .. utils.urlencode(citekeys) local mt, contents = pandoc.mediabag.fetch(url, '.') local ok, fetched = pcall(json.decode, contents) if not ok then print('could not fetch Zotero items: ' .. contents) return end state.fetched = fetched end function module.get(citekey) load_items() if state.reported[citekey] ~= nil then return nil end if state.fetched.errors[citekey] ~= nil then state.reported[citekey] = true print('@' .. citekey .. ': ' .. state.fetched.errors[citekey]) return nil end if state.fetched.items[citekey] == nil then state.reported[citekey] = true print('@' .. citekey .. ' not in Zotero') return nil end return state.fetched.items[citekey], state.fetched.zotero[citekey] end return module end end -- -- bbt-to-live-doc -- -- Copyright (c) 2020 Emiliano Heyns -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -- this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -- the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -- use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -- so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -- copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. -- if lpeg == nil then print('upgrade pandoc to version 2.16.2 or later') os.exit() end local json = require('lunajson') local csl_locator = require('locator') local utils = require('utils') local zotero = require('zotero') -- -- global state -- -- local config = { client = 'zotero', scannable_cite = false, csl_style = 'apa7', format = nil, -- more to document than anything else -- Lua does not store nils in tables transferable = false } -- -- -- bibliography marker generator -- -- -- function zotero_docpreferences_odt(csl_style) return string.format( '' .. ' ' .. '