# Meeting Miguel 2024-01-26 achieved: - [ ] before end of year: - hammered out a preliminary state of the art - we have a synthesis that roughly follows our framework - 800 remaining to be screened/extracted - [ ] focus now: - table reviewing main findings and strength of evidence - screen the remaining 200 studies - improve the writing on the synthesis itself - to adhere a little closer to - [ ] questions: - large segment of 'model-only' studies, mostly from macroeconomics - they do not form part of our main extracted sample pool but I just refer to them - logistical: - create extraction matrices with main/statistical findings - are we going to put those in the main Appendix? or do we just pass on the CSV extraction as the data? - is there a specific length I am going for for the end result? - is it fine if for now I leave intro/conclusion more vague to fit in with rest of the document - what we do not have anything on yet: - ILO Convention recommendations - Transition to the formal economy - fair trade findings - channels - policy recc gender inequality - supply-side effects, esp maternal (family planning incentives; job protection; equal opportunity household carework) - persistent discrimination and cultural views (strenghtening female agency, vicious circle of low FLFP and education) - organisational disadvantagement in new economy (promoting female networking needs, self-promotion, managerial discretions) spatial inequality - spatial component of non-spatial policies () ## TODO - [ ] sort synthesis closer to framework - [ ] create main findings table - [ ] extract as much as possible - create external (representativeness) / internal (strength of method) validity viz ### Synthesis restructuring - employment creation Whitworth2021 - equal access to quality education & training - worker protection paid leave Broadway2020 Dustmann2012 Davies2022 unioniz Cardinaleschi2019 Dieckhoff2015 - formalization minimum wage laws Chao2022 Alinaghi2020 Wong2019 Gilbert2001 Militaru2019 - gender equality / non-discrimination Clark2019 - fair trade and development Alexiou2023 Ferguson2015 - adequate social protection Carstens2018 SilveiraNeto2011 Hardoy2015 Mun2018 Hojman2019 institutional labour laws / regulatory systems Broadway2020 Dustmann2012 Mun2018 protective environmental policies Davies2022 Kuriyama2021 Stock2021 minimum wage laws Chao2022 Alinaghi2020 Wong2019 Gilbert2001 SilveiraNeto2011 Militaru2019 collective bargaining Alexiou2023 Ferguson2015 Cardinaleschi2019 Dieckhoff2015 Ahumada2023 active labour market policies Whitworth2021 social protection laws/systems Carstens2018 Hardoy2015 Clark2019 Hojman2019 structural economic growth Adams2015 Xu2021 Khan2021 Liyanaarachchi2016 Rendall2013 Cieplinski2021 fiscal policies Shin2006 Wang2020 automation/technology transport infrastructure Blumenberg2014 Adam2018 informal economy education access Delesalle2021 Pi2016 Suh2017 Coutinho2006 Mukhopadhaya2003 training? Shepherd-Banigan2021 Rosen2014 Gates2000 Poppen2017 Thoresen2021 agency occupational segregation and social exclusion Bailey2012 Wang2016 Standing2015 Al-Mamun2014 Emigh2018 unconscious bias and discriminatory norms Field2019