abstract: 'Objectives: In Chile, working after retirement age has grown substantially over the last years. This, in addition to the country''s current discussion about extending retirement age, motivates the need of generating evidence on the occupational health and safety of the working old, with a special focus on women, who are critically disadvantaged in Chile''s labour market. The objective of this paper is to describe and compare the ageing workforce of women and men in Chile in terms of labour market participation, employment and working conditions, work-life balance, and health.The social determinants of health and employment sustainability frameworks guide this study. Data Sources: Cross-sectional data from three publicly available sources: the Chilean Labour Force Survey, NENE (2010); the first Chilean Employment and working conditions survey, ENETS (20092010) and the second National Health Survey, ENS (2009). Methods: Participation rates and employment conditions (NENE and ENETS), working conditions, occupational health and work-life balance (ENETS) and chronic health conditions (ENS) were described by 5-year age groups separately for women and men. Descriptions cover all age groups in order to identify trends and patterns characteristic of older workers. Results: Rates of occupation decrease sharply after age 54 in women and 59 in men. Ageing women and men who continue to work are more likely to be in own-account (self-employed) work than younger workers; in the case of women, in households as domestic workers, and men, in agriculture. Social protection and workplace rights are markedly reduced in older workers. Part-time work increases from the age of 50 onwards, especially among women, but average working hours do not decrease under 30 h a week for either women or men. Interestingly, between ages 60 and 64, there is a peak increase of day and night shift-work among women, which co-occurs with a peak in domestic work, possibly corresponding to women working as caretakers of elderly people. Several workplace risks continue to be high into old age: intensive work and demanding physical work, especially in men, and the combination of paid and unpaid care work in women, which continues to be high up to the age of 70 years. The health of older workers is better than that of non-working people of the same age, a gap which is markedly larger for women than men and tends to increase among women as they age. Conclusion: Results indicate that Chileans working into old age face precarious jobs with limited protection and several adverse working conditions. Noteworthy, women carry the double burden of paid and unpaid work into their late years. In addition, results suggest they are affected more profoundly by the healthy worker effect whereby the health condition determines the probability of finding and keeping a job-also known as a health selection mechanism-which increases as they age. These employment and working conditions indicate that working into old age is not yet sustainable in Chile and counts as evidence that needs to be taken into account in discussions about delaying the retirement age in the country, as well as incorporating support systems to alleviate the double work burden of ageing working women.' affiliation: 'Vives, A (Corresponding Author), Pontificia Univ Catolica Chile, Escuela Med, Dept Salud Publ, Diagonal Paraguay 362,2do Piso, Santiago 8330077, Chile. Vives, A (Corresponding Author), Conicyt Fondap 15110020, Ctr Sustainable Urban Dev CEDEUS, Los Navegantes 1963, Providencia 8330077, Santiago De Chi, Chile. Vives, A (Corresponding Author), Conicyt Fondap 15130011, Adv Ctr Chron Dis ACCDiS, Sergio Livingstone 1007, Independencia 8380492, Santiago De Chi, Chile. Vives, Alejandra, Pontificia Univ Catolica Chile, Escuela Med, Dept Salud Publ, Diagonal Paraguay 362,2do Piso, Santiago 8330077, Chile. Vives, Alejandra, Conicyt Fondap 15110020, Ctr Sustainable Urban Dev CEDEUS, Los Navegantes 1963, Providencia 8330077, Santiago De Chi, Chile. Vives, Alejandra, Conicyt Fondap 15130011, Adv Ctr Chron Dis ACCDiS, Sergio Livingstone 1007, Independencia 8380492, Santiago De Chi, Chile. Gray, Nora, Pontificia Univ Catolica Valparaiso, Escuela Psicol, Vina Del Mar, Chile. Gray, Nora, Avda El Bosque 1290, Valparaiso 2530388, Chile. Gonzalez, Francisca, Univ Tecn Federico Santa Maria, Dept Matemat, Av Espana 1680, Santiago 2390123, Chile. Molina, Agustin, Pontificia Univ Catolica Chile, Escuela Psicol, Av Vicuna Mackenna 4860, Macul 7820436, Santiago De Chi, Chile.' author: Vives, Alejandra and Gray, Nora and Gonzalez, Francisca and Molina, Agustin author-email: alejandra.vives@uc.cl author_list: - family: Vives given: Alejandra - family: Gray given: Nora - family: Gonzalez given: Francisca - family: Molina given: Agustin da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxy021 eissn: 2398-7316 files: [] issn: 2398-7308 journal: ANNALS OF WORK EXPOSURES AND HEALTH keywords: 'ageing workforce; gender; employment conditions; occupational health; working conditions; work-life balance' language: English month: MAY number: 4, SI number-of-cited-references: '34' orcid-numbers: 'Vives, Alejandra/0000-0001-5851-0693 Molina, Agustin/0000-0001-8862-5715 Gray-Gariazzo, Nora/0000-0002-4825-6908' pages: 475-489 papis_id: 76d1a5b53f417b8f15467d4d964cbb86 ref: Vives2018genderageing researcherid-numbers: 'Vives, Alejandra/AFB-2073-2022 Gray-Gariazzo, Nora/HKV-2261-2023' times-cited: '13' title: 'Gender and Ageing at Work in Chile: Employment, Working Conditions, Work-Life Balance and Health of Men and Women in an Ageing Workforce' type: article unique-id: WOS:000449419200009 usage-count-last-180-days: '3' usage-count-since-2013: '36' volume: '62' web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health year: '2018'