abstract: 'Gender inequality in the access to the labour market and income distribution has increased as a consequence of the economic impacts of the global pandemic due to the higher presence of women employed in the economic sectors most vulnerable to lockdown and shutdown and with the least opportunity to continue to work remotely or from home. The risk of receiving lower income protection is higher for women due to their more discontinuous working profile and their higher presence in precarious jobs. Gender distribution of unpaid care and domestic work load is persistently unequal. Blindness on the gender impact of public policies designed in the emergence of first wave of the pandemic had the effect of deepening pre-existing gender inequalities showing that integration of gender analysis dissipates as the policy process develops leading to the evaporation of gender equality in economic policy making. Actions acknowledging the roots of gender inequalities together with the implementation of gender mainstreaming at all levels of economic policies are needed to revert this trend and to lead to a more gender equal society.' affiliation: 'Addabbo, T (Corresponding Author), Univ Modena \& Reggio Emilia, Dept Econ Marco Biagi, Viale Berengario 51, I-41121 Modena, Italy. Addabbo, Tindara, Univ Modena \& Reggio Emilia, Dept Econ Marco Biagi, Viale Berengario 51, I-41121 Modena, Italy. Gunluk-Senesen, Gulay, Istanbul Univ, Fac Polit Sci, TR-34116 Istanbul, Turkey. O''Hagan, Angela, Glasgow Caledonian Univ, Dept Social Sci, 70 Cowcaddens Rd, Glasgow G4 0BA, Lanark, Scotland.' author: Addabbo, Tindara and Gunluk-Senesen, Gulay and O'Hagan, Angela author_list: - family: Addabbo given: Tindara - family: Gunluk-Senesen given: Gulay - family: O'Hagan given: Angela da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1429/100367 eissn: 1973-8218 files: [] issn: 1120-9496 journal: POLITICA ECONOMICA keywords: 'gender equality; care work; public policy; gender budgeting; gender main-streaming; time allocation' language: English month: DEC number: 3, SI number-of-cited-references: '39' orcid-numbers: Addabbo, Tindara/0000-0002-1861-4065 pages: 277-294 papis_id: 3d67f40e856661fdbcd03a4d15540d99 ref: Addabbo2020actinggender researcherid-numbers: Addabbo, Tindara/C-5557-2016 times-cited: '0' title: 'ACTING FOR GENDER EQUALITY: EVIDENCE, GAPS AND PROSPECTS FOR REAL CHANGE IN ECONOMIC POLICY' type: article unique-id: WOS:000642812000001 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '4' volume: '36' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2020'