abstract: 'Previous research has established that low-wage earners have on average lower job satisfaction. However, several studies have found personal characteristics, such as gender, age and educational level, moderate this negative impact. This article demonstrates additional factors at the household level, which have not yet been empirically investigated, and which may exacerbate gender differences. The authors analyse the job satisfaction of low-wage earners depending on the contribution of individual earnings to the household income and on household deprivation using the 2013 special wave of the EU-SILC for 18 European countries. The study finds that single earners in low-wage employment report lower job satisfaction whereas low-wage employment does not seem to make a difference for secondary earners. Furthermore, low-wage earners'' job satisfaction is linked with the ability of their household to make ends meet.' affiliation: 'Pohlig, M (Corresponding Author), Leibniz Univ Hannover, Inst Soziol, Schneiderberg 50, D-30167 Hannover, Germany. Pohlig, Matthias, Univ Bremen, Bremen, Germany. Pohlig, Matthias, Leibniz Univ Hannover, Inst Sociol, Hannover, Germany. Israel, Sabine, GESIS Leibniz Inst Sozialwissensch Koln, Cologne, Germany. Dingeldey, Irene, Univ Bremen, Inst Labour \& Econ, Bremen, Germany.' article-number: 0143831X20975865 author: Pohlig, Matthias and Israel, Sabine and Dingeldey, Irene author-email: m.pohlig@ish.uni-hannover.de author_list: - family: Pohlig given: Matthias - family: Israel given: Sabine - family: Dingeldey given: Irene da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1177/0143831X20975865 earlyaccessdate: DEC 2020 eissn: 1461-7099 files: [] issn: 0143-831X journal: ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY keywords: Earner position; household context; job satisfaction; low wage; poverty keywords-plus: 'LIFE SATISFACTION; GENDER; POVERTY; EUROPE; LABOR; INEQUALITY; EMPLOYMENT; POLICIES; INCOME; MODEL' language: English month: AUG number: '3' number-of-cited-references: '61' orcid-numbers: Pohlig, Matthias/0000-0003-1101-8364 pages: 1028-1058 papis_id: f400d49bc40ebe9b79299136e8beb0d0 ref: Pohlig2022doeshousehold times-cited: '1' title: Does the household context matter for job satisfaction among low-wage workers? type: article unique-id: WOS:000599554600001 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '3' volume: '43' web-of-science-categories: Industrial Relations \& Labor year: '2022'