abstract: 'In April 2020, nearly 1.6 billion learners were out of school. While a growing body of literature has documented the detrimental impact of these closures on children, less attention has been devoted to the steps countries took to mitigate the impact of these closures on working families. Paid leave is recognized as an important policy tool to enable working parents the time they need to respond to family needs without risking job or income loss. This article uses a novel data set to assess whether countries had policies in place prior to the pandemic to respond to increased care needs and the extent to which policies were introduced or expanded during the pandemic to fill the gap. Only 48 countries had policies in place prior to the pandemic that could be used to respond to the care needs created by school and childcare center closures. In the vast majority of these countries, the duration of leave in these policies was too short to meet the care needs of the pandemic or relied on parents reserving extended parental leave options. Only 36 countries passed new legislation during the pandemic, but the majority of those that did covered the full duration of closures. As countries continue to face COVID-19 and consider how to better prepare for the next pandemic, emergency childcare paid leave policies should be part of pandemic preparedness frameworks to prevent further exacerbating inequalities. The policies introduced during the pandemic offer a wide range of approaches for countries to identify feasible solutions.' affiliation: 'Raub, A (Corresponding Author), Univ Calif Los Angeles, WORLD Policy Anal Ctr, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA. Raub, Amy; Heymann, Jody, Univ Calif Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA. Raub, Amy, Univ Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.' author: Raub, Amy and Heymann, Jody author-email: araub@ph.ucla.edu author_list: - family: Raub given: Amy - family: Heymann given: Jody da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1177/14680181221123800 earlyaccessdate: SEP 2022 eissn: 1741-2803 files: [] issn: 1468-0181 journal: GLOBAL SOCIAL POLICY keywords: 'Childcare; COVID-19; education; global; paid leave; social protection; working families' keywords-plus: 'MATERNITY LEAVE; CHILDREN; HEALTH; EMPLOYMENT; RESPONSES; PARENTS; INCOME' language: English month: AUG number: '2' number-of-cited-references: '62' orcid-numbers: 'Heymann, Jody/0000-0003-0008-4198 Raub, Amy/0000-0002-5207-0807' pages: 247-267 papis_id: cb4a866a7ffe5b2d3fe87b79086b9d20 ref: Raub2023assessingnational times-cited: '0' title: Assessing national action through emergency paid leave to mitigate the impact of COVID-19-related school closures on working families in 182 countries type: article unique-id: WOS:000853206700001 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '3' volume: '23' web-of-science-categories: Political Science year: '2023'