@techreport{ilo2015, address = {International Labour Office, Geneva}, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {Recommendation No. 204 concerning the Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy}, year = {2015}, } @techreport{ilo2002, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {Resolution on decent work and the informal economy}, year = {2002}, } @techreport{ilo2023, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {Guidelines concerning a statistical definition of informal employment}, year = {2023}, } @techreport{ilo2021, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {Inequalities and the world of work}, year = {2021}, } @techreport{ilo2021a, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {Resolution concerning inequalities and the world of work}, year = {2021}, } @techreport{ilo2022, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {Follow-up to the resolution concerning inequalities and the world of work: Comprehensive and integrated ILO strategy to reduce and prevent inequalities in the world of work}, year = {2022}, } @techreport{ilo2013, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization}, year = {2013}, } @techreport{ilotrends2022, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2022}, year = {2022}, } @techreport{ilodomestic2023, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {The road to decent work for domestic workers}, year = {2023}, } @techreport{ilotrends2023, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023}, year = {2023}, } @techreport{iloconditions2019, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {Working conditions in a global perspective}, year = {2019}, } @techreport{ilowomen2016, author = {ILO}, institution = {International Labour Organization}, title = {Women at Work Trends 2016}, year = {2016}, }