abstract: 'We analyse the question of optimal taxation in a dual economy, when the policy-maker is concerned about the distribution of labour income. Income inequality is caused by the presence of sunk capital investments, which creates a ``good jobs{''''} sector due to the capture of quasi-rents by trade unions. With strong unions and high planner preference for income equality, the optimal policy is a combination of investment subsidies and progressive income taxation. If unions are weaker, the policy-maker may instead choose to tax investment.' affiliation: 'Lommerud, KE (Corresponding Author), Univ Bergen, N-5007 Bergen, Norway. Univ Bergen, N-5007 Bergen, Norway.' author: Lommerud, KE and Sandvik, B and Straume, OR author-email: 'kjell-erik.lommerud@econ.uib.no bjorn.sandvik@econ.uib.no odd.straume@econ.uib.no' author_list: - family: Lommerud given: KE - family: Sandvik given: B - family: Straume given: OR da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1111/j.0347-0520.2004.00384.x eissn: 1467-9442 files: [] issn: 0347-0520 journal: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS keywords: rent sharing; optimal taxation; redistribution keywords-plus: 'PROGRESSIVE TAXATION; URBAN UNEMPLOYMENT; TAX PROGRESSIVITY; EMPLOYMENT; WAGES; MODEL' language: English number: '4' number-of-cited-references: '35' orcid-numbers: Straume, Odd Rune/0000-0002-6889-2717 pages: 703-720 papis_id: 98d4141c095e528dac1787e841f00144 ref: Lommerud2004goodjobs researcherid-numbers: Straume, Odd Rune/B-6090-2009 times-cited: '7' title: Good jobs, bad jobs and redistribution type: Article unique-id: WOS:000225687300006 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '9' volume: '106' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2004'