abstract: 'Youth unemployment is a contentious subject in Greenland, and the Greenlandic government is particularly concerned with reducing the number of young Greenlanders who are not in employment or education. Using survey data from the Greenlandic Labour Force Survey (LFS), we turn our attention to NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) in Greenland and focus on young people aged 17-29. First, we take an international outlook to explore whether the NEET challenge is greater in Greenland than in other selected countries. Then, we explore how NEETs differ from their young counterparts in employment or in education. Furthermore, we compare NEETS to the older group who are also not in employment to explore potential differences between groups. We discuss educational opportunities in Greenland, geographic mobility, and poor health as significant barriers for labour market and educational participation. The chapter ends by outlining and discussing Greenlandic policy initiatives to increase employment and participation in education.' affiliation: 'Ravn, RL (Corresponding Author), Aalborg Univ, Dept Polit \& Soc, Aalborg, Denmark. Ravn, Rasmus Lind, Aalborg Univ, Dept Polit \& Soc, Aalborg, Denmark.' author: Ravn, Rasmus Lind author_list: - family: Ravn given: Rasmus Lind booktitle: GREENLAND'S ECONOMY AND LABOUR MARKETS da: '2023-09-28' editor: Hogedahl, L files: [] isbn: 978-0-367-51627-7; 978-1-003-05463-4; 978-0-367-51619-2 keywords-plus: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES; HEALTH; UNEMPLOYMENT; EDUCATION language: English number-of-cited-references: '67' pages: 144-167 papis_id: b6a932bd7256e53fab41451231684e6b ref: Ravn2022neetsdisadvantaged series: Routledge Research in Polar Regions times-cited: '0' title: NEETs and disadvantaged groups not in employment in Greenland A national and international perspective type: Article; Book Chapter unique-id: WOS:000850629200011 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '0' web-of-science-categories: Development Studies; Economics; Industrial Relations \& Labor year: '2022'