abstract: 'Background: Decreasing gender differences in mental health are found largely in countries in which the roles of men and women have improved in terms of opportunities for employment, education, child care and other indicators of increasing gender equality. In this study, we examine how European welfare regimes influence this association between mental health and the social roles that men and women occupy. Methods: The EU-World Mental Health data are used, which covers the general population in 10 European countries (n = 37 289); Countries were grouped into four welfare regions: Liberal regime (Northern Ireland), Bismarckian regime (Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and France), Southern regime (Spain, Italy, Portugal) and Central-Eastern regime (Romania and Bulgaria). The lifetime prevalence of mood, anxiety and alcohol disorders was determined by using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview 3.0. Overall prevalence rates along with odds ratios by means of bivariate logistic regression models are calculated to compare the presence of common mental disorders in women versus men per welfare regime. Results: Overall prevalence of common mental disorders is highest in the Liberal regime and lowest in the Central/Eastern regime. The gender gap in mental disorders is largest in the Southern regime and smallest in the Liberal regime. Marital status and certain employment positions help to explain variation in mental disorders across and within welfare regimes. Conclusion: Most prominent pathways linking gender to mental ill-health being are related to marital status and certain employment positions. However, these pathways also show substantial variation across welfare regimes.' affiliation: 'Van de Velde, S (Corresponding Author), Univ Antwerp, Ctr Longitudinal \& Life Course Studies, Dept Sociol, Stadscampus SM 383,Sint Jacobstr 2-4, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium. Van de Velde, Sarah; Boyd, Anders; Kovess-Masfety, Viviane, Paris Descartes Univ, EHESP, EA4057, Paris, France. Van de Velde, Sarah, Univ Antwerp, Ctr Longitudinal \& Life Course Studies, Dept Sociol, Stadscampus SM 383,Sint Jacobstr 2-4, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium. Boyd, Anders, Inst Pierre Louis Epidemiol \& Sante Publ, INSERM, UMR S1136, Paris, France. Villagut, Gemma; Alonso, Jordi, IMIM Hosp Mar, Med Res Inst, Hlth Serv Res Unit, Barcelona \& CIBER Epidemiol \& Salud Publ CIBERESP, Barcelona, Spain. Bruffaerts, Ronny, KU Leuven Univ, Univ Psychiat Ctr KU Leuven, Dept Neurosci, Res Grp Psychiat, Leuven, Belgium. De Graaf, Ron, Netherlands Inst Mental Hlth \& Addict, Utrecht, Netherlands. Florescu, Silvia, Natl Sch Publ Hlth Management \& Profess Dev, Bucharest, Romania. Haro, Josep, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu, Dr Antoni Pujadas 42, Barcelona 08830, Spain.' author: Van de Velde, Sarah and Boyd, Anders and Villagut, Gemma and Alonso, Jordi and Bruffaerts, Ronny and De Graaf, Ron and Florescu, Silvia and Haro, Josep and Kovess-Masfety, Viviane and Investigators, EU-WMH author-email: sarah.vandevelde@uantwerpen.be author_list: - family: Van de Velde given: Sarah - family: Boyd given: Anders - family: Villagut given: Gemma - family: Alonso given: Jordi - family: Bruffaerts given: Ronny - family: De Graaf given: Ron - family: Florescu given: Silvia - family: Haro given: Josep - family: Kovess-Masfety given: Viviane - family: Investigators given: EU-WMH da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cky240 eissn: 1464-360X files: [] issn: 1101-1262 journal: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH keywords-plus: 'SELF-PERCEIVED HEALTH; STATE REGIMES; MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS; POPULATION HEALTH; CHILD-CARE; DEPRESSION; INEQUALITIES; POLICIES; FAMILY; WORK' language: English month: JUN number: '3' number-of-cited-references: '39' orcid-numbers: 'Alonso, Jordi/0000-0001-8627-9636 Boyd, Anders/0000-0001-9512-8928 BRUFFAERTS, RONNY/0000-0002-0330-3694 Van de Velde, Sarah/0000-0001-7682-0484 kovess-masfety, viviane/0000-0001-7045-6175' pages: 481-487 papis_id: 05cbf80e74d42113bd72743777a7317c ref: Vandevelde2019genderdifferences researcherid-numbers: 'Alonso, Jordi/A-5514-2010 Florescu, Silvia/AAX-7951-2020 Boyd, Anders/GLQ-8906-2022 BRUFFAERTS, RONNY/AAA-2364-2021 Van de Velde, Sarah/S-4874-2016 ' times-cited: '14' title: 'Gender differences in common mental disorders: a comparison of social risk factors across four European welfare regimes' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000486962600021 usage-count-last-180-days: '3' usage-count-since-2013: '20' volume: '29' web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health year: '2019'