abstract: 'This paper examines how the ECB''s expansionary monetary policy affects income inequality in 10 euro area countries over the period 1999-2014. We distinguish two channels-labor-market and financial-through which monetary policy can have distributional effects. The labor-market channel is captured by wages and employment and the financial channel by asset prices and returns. We find that expansionary monetary policy in the euro area reduces income inequality, especially in the periphery countries. The labor-market channel enhances the equalizing effect: monetary expansion reduces income inequality stronger by raising wages and employment. There is limited evidence for the financial channel.' affiliation: 'Samarina, A (Corresponding Author), De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Samarina, Anna, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Nguyen, Anh D. M., Int Monetary Fund, Fiscal Affairs Dept, Washington, DC USA.' author: Samarina, Anna and Nguyen, Anh D. M. author-email: 'a.samarina@dnb.nl anguyen3@imf.org' author_list: - family: Samarina given: Anna - family: Nguyen given: Anh D. M. da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1111/jmcb.13017 earlyaccessdate: FEB 2023 eissn: 1538-4616 files: [] issn: 0022-2879 journal: JOURNAL OF MONEY CREDIT AND BANKING keywords: income inequality; monetary policy; euro area keywords-plus: 'CREDIT SPREADS; HOUSE PRICES; TRANSMISSION; IDENTIFICATION; SHOCKS; REDISTRIBUTION; MACROECONOMICS; SURPRISES; INFLATION; INFERENCE' language: English month: 2023 FEB 8 number-of-cited-references: '103' papis_id: c8173b1e450ab1df075dee425e5c299c ref: Samarina2023doesmonetary times-cited: '0' title: Does Monetary Policy Affect Income Inequality in the Euro Area? type: Article; Early Access unique-id: WOS:000928947600001 usage-count-last-180-days: '8' usage-count-since-2013: '12' web-of-science-categories: Business, Finance; Economics year: '2023'