abstract: 'This article analyzes the productive and reproductive strategies of the families of Coaque, a community on the Manabi coast near the epicenter of the earthquake that shook Ecuador on April 16, 2016. The reproductive crisis originated after the catastrophe highlighted the economic and social inequalities existing in this territory, where the thriving extractive industry of shrimp has become present in recent decades. Based on an ethnographic methodology and indepth interviews, it is concluded that the responses of the families oscillate between a closer connection to salaried work in this sector and the option for independent but unstable activities such as artisanal fishing and other self-support initiatives that allow a greater margin of action. The sources of income are articulated in a complex way, according to gender and age, with the requirements of attention to people, family organization and lifestyles in a period of vulnerability. Issues such as caring for children, reconstruction of housing, closeness to livelihoods or cooperation and daily transactions condition dependence on the model of agro-export development. There is evidence, therefore, of a series of tensions that worsen in the face of crisis conditions and that require a look at reproduction in post-disaster public policies.' affiliation: 'Vega, C (Corresponding Author), FLACSO Ecuador, Fac Latinoamer Ciencias Sociales, Dept Sociol \& Genero, Quito, Ecuador. Vega, Cristina, FLACSO Ecuador, Fac Latinoamer Ciencias Sociales, Dept Sociol \& Genero, Quito, Ecuador. Paredes, Myriam, Flacso Ecuador, Fac Latinoamer Ciencias Sociales, Dept Desarrollo Ambiente \& Terr, Quito, Ecuador. Almeida, Andrea Nathaly, Flacso Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.' author: Vega, Cristina and Paredes, Myriam and Almeida, Andrea Nathaly author_list: - family: Vega given: Cristina - family: Paredes given: Myriam - family: Almeida given: Andrea Nathaly da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.11156/aibr.140208 eissn: 1578-9705 files: [] issn: 1695-9752 journal: AIBR-REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA keywords: 'Model of agro-export development; inequalities; catastrophe; reproductive crisis; sustainability of life' keywords-plus: GENDER language: Spanish month: MAY-AUG number: '2' number-of-cited-references: '50' pages: 323-350 papis_id: d9725cdca6955aaa316279c8ff9fcdb3 ref: Vega2019inequalitiesreproduc researcherid-numbers: Paredes, Myriam/AAN-7731-2021 times-cited: '3' title: INEQUALITIES AND REPRODUCTIVE CRISIS AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE IN THE ECUADORIAN COAST. FAMILY STRATEGIES IN THE MODEL OF DEVELOPMENT AND EXTRACTIVE WORK type: Article unique-id: WOS:000475387000008 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '8' volume: '14' web-of-science-categories: Anthropology year: '2019'