abstract: 'Globalization is often blamed for widening income gaps. However, there could be country specific causes of income inequality that could be addressed by domestic policy interventions. This chapter studies whether escalating housing prices have contributed to the growing income gap in Singapore. Housing price escalations involve a substantial income redistribution away from home buyers for owner occupation to property developers, rental property owners, and financiers. This effect is largely reflected in nonlabour earnings. Even with household labour income data, we find that rising private property prices have a small but statistically significant effect on income inequality, measured by the percentile ratio P90/P10. Unexpectedly, the most robust variable that explains this income ratio is the share of resident graduates in total employment. This variable shows an inverted U effect on income inequality. A similar inverted U effect is found with a productivity ratio variable used to measure the effect of globalization.' affiliation: 'Abeysinghe, T (Corresponding Author), Natl Univ Singapore, Singapore, Singapore. Abeysinghe, Tilak; Hao, Wong Yan, Natl Univ Singapore, Singapore, Singapore.' author: Abeysinghe, Tilak and Hao, Wong Yan author_list: - family: Abeysinghe given: Tilak - family: Hao given: Wong Yan booktitle: 'MANAGING GLOBALIZATION IN THE ASIAN CENTURY: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF PREMA-CHANDRA ATHUKORALA' da: '2023-09-28' editor: Hill, H and Menon, J files: [] isbn: 978-981-47-6227-4; 978-981-47-6228-1; 978-981-47-6230-4 keywords-plus: 'FIRM HETEROGENEITY; CEO COMPENSATION; ECONOMIC-GROWTH; TRADE; UNEMPLOYMENT; WAGES; MODEL; GDP' language: English number-of-cited-references: '35' pages: 221-239 papis_id: 8d3cd64dd21537a527427ee2be4e3cb2 ref: Abeysinghe2016housingprices times-cited: '0' title: 'Housing Prices, Graduates, and Income Inequality: The Case of Singapore' type: Article; Book Chapter unique-id: WOS:000555693400009 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '0' web-of-science-categories: Economics; International Relations year: '2016'