abstract: 'This paper examines how culture impacts within-couple gender inequality. Exploiting the setting of Germany''s division and reunification, I compare child penalties of East Germans who were socialised in a more gender egalitarian culture to West Germans socialised in a gender -traditional culture. Using a household panel, I show that the long-run child penalty on the female income share is 23.9 percentage points for West German couples, compared to 12.9 for East German couples. The arrival of children also leads to a greater increase in the female share of housework and child care for West Germans. I add to the main findings by using time-use diary data from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and reunified Germany, which provides a rare insight into gender inequality in the GDR and allows me to compare the effect of having children in the GDR to the effects in East and West Germany after reunification. Lastly, I show that attitudes towards maternal employment are more egalitarian among East Germans, but that the arrival of children leads to more traditional attitudes for both East and West Germans. The findings confirm that socialisation has a strong impact on child penalties and that family policies may have an impact on gender inequality through social learning in the long run.' affiliation: 'Jessen, J (Corresponding Author), European Univ Viadrina, Grosse Scharrnstr 59, D-15230 Frankfurt, Germany. Jessen, Jonas, European Univ Viadrina, Frankfurt, Germany. Jessen, Jonas, IZA Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Jessen, Jonas, Berlin Sch Econ, Berlin, Germany. Jessen, Jonas, European Univ Viadrina, Grosse Scharrnstr 59, D-15230 Frankfurt, Germany.' article-number: '104310' author: Jessen, Jonas author-email: jjessen@europa-uni.de author_list: - family: Jessen given: Jonas da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2022.104310 earlyaccessdate: OCT 2022 eissn: 1873-572X files: [] issn: 0014-2921 journal: EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW keywords: Cultural norms; Gender inequality; Child penalty keywords-plus: 'ROLE ATTITUDES; WORK; DIVISION; DYNAMICS; FAMILY; TRANSMISSION; GERMANY; REGIMES; MOTHERS; DIFFER' language: English month: NOV number-of-cited-references: '65' orcid-numbers: Jessen, Jonas/0000-0002-1908-6647 papis_id: b40043aeee33f7896c2047dfd96b0981 ref: Jessen2022culturechildren times-cited: '1' title: Culture, children and couple gender inequality type: Article unique-id: WOS:000878824200005 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '7' volume: '150' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2022'