abstract: 'Youth unemployment figures include large numbers of full-time students, yet student joblessness receives very little academic attention, especially at a qualitative level. Despite being relatively less deleterious than youth unemployment more broadly, we show that student unemployment remains an important site for the practice and reinforcement of social inequality. Using a Bourdieusian framework to analyse interviews with 27 undergraduate students who have been unsuccessful in term-time job searching, we expose some of the limits to the extent that social and cultural capital can be converted into positive employment outcomes. Importantly, the data reveal that it is (lack of) access to material and economic resources that is most significant in ensuring that both the experience of unemployment and, concomitantly, the experience of university, in yet another way, remain highly structured by social class. These divisions shape the imperative and timing of the need to work, and also underpin nuances in respect of desires and needs in how students talk about their motivations for part-time work. These should be important considerations if policy-makers want to create a genuinely meritocratic system or deliver equitable psychological and material well-being.' affiliation: 'Roberts, S (Corresponding Author), Monash Univ, SoSS, Melbourne, Vic, Australia. Roberts, Steven, Monash Univ, SoSS, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.' author: Roberts, Steven and Li, Zhen author-email: steven.d.roberts@monash.edu author_list: - family: Roberts given: Steven - family: Li given: Zhen da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1080/13676261.2016.1260697 eissn: 1469-9680 files: [] issn: 1367-6261 journal: JOURNAL OF YOUTH STUDIES keywords: Student unemployment; employment; social class; capitals keywords-plus: 'WORKING-CLASS STUDENTS; HIGHER-EDUCATION; LABOR-MARKET; YOUNG-PEOPLE; FULL-TIME; EMPLOYMENT; EMPLOYABILITY; SKILLS; CONSTRUCTION; EXPERIENCES' language: English number: '6' number-of-cited-references: '56' orcid-numbers: Roberts, Steven/0000-0003-4000-2257 pages: 732-749 papis_id: c6f1880423cc6287c1d74ec930173433 ref: Roberts2017capitallimits times-cited: '7' title: 'Capital limits: social class, motivations for term-time job searching and the consequences of joblessness among UK university students' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000402844700005 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '14' volume: '20' web-of-science-categories: Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary year: '2017'