abstract: 'This work correlates the impact of robotization on employment and households'' income at the regional scale with the level of investment in R\&D and education policies. This kind of policy, by raising the qualitative and quantitative levels of human capital, contributes to improving the complementarity effect between humans and robots, thus mitigating the substitution effect. To this end, we compute the Adjusted Penetration of Robots (APR) (a metric used to measure the extent to which robots are being used in a particular industry or sector) at the sectoral level, combining the International Federation of Robotics database for the stock of robots, EUROSTAT Regional database, and the STructural ANalysis database on 150 NUTS-2 regions of the Euro area. We then perform a spatial stacked-panel analysis on the investment in R\&D and education level. Results supports the idea that regions that invest more in R\&D and have higher levels of human capital can turn the risk of robotization into an increase in both income and ``quantity of work,{''''} by enhancing complementarity between robots and the labor force. On the contrary, regions investing less in R\&D and having lower levels of human capital may suffer a reduction in households'' disposable income.' affiliation: 'Valentini, E (Corresponding Author), Univ Macerata, Dept Polit Sci Commun \& Int Relat, Via Don Minzoni 22, I-62100 Macerata, Italy. Valentini, Enzo, Univ Macerata, Dept Polit Sci Commun \& Int Relat, Via Don Minzoni 22, I-62100 Macerata, Italy. Compagnucci, Fabiano, Gran Sasso Sci Inst GSSI, Social Sci, Via Michele Iacobucci 2, I-67100 Laquila, Italy. Gallegati, Mauro, Univ Politecn Marche, Dept Management, Piazzale Martelli 8, I-60129 Ancona, Italy. Gentili, Andrea, Univ Int Roma, Fac Econ, Via Cristoforo Colombo 200, I-00147 Rome, Italy.' author: Valentini, Enzo and Compagnucci, Fabiano and Gallegati, Mauro and Gentili, Andrea author-email: 'enzo.valentini@unimc.it fabiano.compagnucci@gssi.it mauro.gallegati@univpm.it andrea.gentili@unint.eu' author_list: - family: Valentini given: Enzo - family: Compagnucci given: Fabiano - family: Gallegati given: Mauro - family: Gentili given: Andrea da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1007/s00191-023-00819-5 earlyaccessdate: APR 2023 eissn: 1432-1386 files: [] issn: 0936-9937 journal: JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMICS keywords: 'Robotization; Employment; Households'' income; R\&D policies; Adjusted Penetration of Robots (APR); Education policies; Regional inequalities' keywords-plus: 'RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT; WAGE INEQUALITY; TECHNOLOGICAL-CHANGE; INNOVATION EVIDENCE; KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY; PRODUCTIVITY; ROBOTS; UNEMPLOYMENT; SPILLOVERS; AUTOMATION' language: English month: 2023 APR 18 number-of-cited-references: '91' orcid-numbers: 'Gentili, Andrea/0000-0002-5181-5221 Compagnucci, Fabiano/0000-0002-2589-4907' papis_id: d39f4f30f1a38ab9010dd1e4ce05ae3e ref: Valentini2023robotizationemployme researcherid-numbers: 'Gentili, Andrea/AAI-5993-2021 Compagnucci, Fabiano/L-6862-2017' times-cited: '0' title: 'Robotization, employment, and income: regional asymmetries and long-run policies in the Euro area' type: Article; Early Access unique-id: WOS:000971520800001 usage-count-last-180-days: '8' usage-count-since-2013: '8' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2023'