abstract: 'In this paper, we analyze the targeting and outcomes of the apprenticeship program implemented under the Youth Guarantee/YG scheme in the Czech Republic. We examine the outcomes and targeting using counterfactual impact evaluation (quasi-experimental design) of the apprenticeship program on the basis of administrative data from the Czech Employment Office. The implementation strategy is analyzed using various policy documents. The findings indicate that the program is apparently targeted at those groups of young people who are less disadvantaged as regards education level and previous unemployment experience. At the same time, paradoxically, the effects in terms of outflows from the unemployment register are weak for the short-term and medium-term unemployed, as well as for low-skilled and high-skilled youth, and stronger effects are evident in the case of long-term unemployed and medium-skilled youth. The failures in targeting and in adjusting the program to the needs of more vulnerable groups of youth are due to an inconsistent implementation strategy of Czech Public Employment Services.' affiliation: 'Sirovatka, T (Corresponding Author), Masaryk Univ, Fac Social Studies, Jostova 10, Brno 60200, Czech Republic. Hora, Ondrej; Sirovatka, Tomas, Masaryk Univ, Fac Social Studies, Jostova 10, Brno 60200, Czech Republic. Hora, Ondrej; Sirovatka, Tomas, Res Inst Labour \& Social Affairs, Prague, Czech Republic.' author: Hora, Ondrej and Sirovatka, Tomas author-email: sirovatk@fss.muni.cz author_list: - family: Hora given: Ondrej - family: Sirovatka given: Tomas da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1111/spol.12598 earlyaccessdate: APR 2020 eissn: 1467-9515 files: [] issn: 0144-5596 journal: SOCIAL POLICY \& ADMINISTRATION keywords: active labor market policies; apprenticeship program keywords-plus: LABOR-MARKET POLICIES; UNEMPLOYED BACK; WORK; EMPLOYMENT language: English month: DEC number: '7' number-of-cited-references: '53' orcid-numbers: 'Sirovatka, Tomas/0000-0001-6891-2258 Hora, Ondrej/0000-0003-2218-0244' pages: 1198-1214 papis_id: 2378fa97e371d9b7fd8e810ad0e2b601 ref: Hora2020whytargeting researcherid-numbers: 'Sirovatka, Tomas/U-4630-2019 Hora, Ondrej/U-3651-2019' times-cited: '7' title: 'Why targeting matters: The apprenticeship program for youth in the Czech Republic' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000526999200001 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '14' volume: '54' web-of-science-categories: Development Studies; Public Administration; Social Issues; Social Work year: '2020'