abstract: 'Recent work in gender economics has identified trade as a potential determinant of female labor force participation (REP). It is usually suggested that FLFP rises whenever trade expands those sectors which use female labor intensively. This paper develops a theoretical model to argue that, quite surprisingly, the opposite effects can occur. Distinguishing between female intensive sectors (FIS) and male intensive sectors (MIS), we show that FLFP may actually fall if trade expands EIS. When FIS are capital intensive, trade integration of a capital-abundant economy expands FIS and contracts MIS. Consequently, male workers migrate from MIS to FIS, diluting the capital-labor ratio in the FIS. Under a high complementarity between capital and female labor, the marginal productivity of women drops more than that of men. Thus, the gender wage gap widens and FLFP falls. Employment patterns in the U.S. following NAFTA are broadly consistent with our theory. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.' affiliation: 'Zoabi, H (Corresponding Author), 100 Novaya St, Moscow, Russia. Saure, Philip, Swiss Natl Bank, CH-8022 Zurich, Switzerland. Zoabi, Hosny, New Econ Sch, Moscow, Russia. Zoabi, Hosny, New Econ Sch, Urals Business Ctr, Moscow, Russia.' author: Saure, Philip and Zoabi, Hosny author-email: 'Philip.Saure@snb.ch Hosny.zoabi@gmail.com' author_list: - family: Saure given: Philip - family: Zoabi given: Hosny da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2014.07.003 eissn: 1872-6089 files: [] issn: 0304-3878 journal: JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS keywords: 'Female labor force participation; Gender wage gap; Home production; NAFTA' keywords-plus: 'WOMENS RELATIVE WAGES; INEQUALITY; GROWTH; SPECIALIZATION; LIBERATION; DYNAMICS; ENGINES; MARKET; IMPACT; POWER' language: English month: NOV number: SI number-of-cited-references: '47' orcid-numbers: Saure, Philip/0000-0002-9923-2965 pages: 17-33 papis_id: 1cc00af0541c66fe9ad0829ea273877d ref: Saure2014internationaltrade times-cited: '43' title: International trade, the gender wage gap and female labor force participation type: Article unique-id: WOS:000346223900002 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '58' volume: '111' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2014'