abstract: 'Government officials and representatives of corporations and international organisations promoting oil palm argue this crop brings development by creating numerous jobs for the rural poor, even through large-scale plantations. This study critically assesses this narrative as deployed in Mesoamerica and analyses oil palm labour regimes in two study regions in Mexico and one in Guatemala where both smallholders and private sector plantations are producing oil palm. Following a political ecology framework, we analyse labour practices as embodied and political, taking into account larger processes of agrarian change. Based on interviews and surveys of producers and field labourers, we found oil palm production was characterised by low employment rates (one job or less for every 10 hectares of land) and flexible labour regimes under which field labourers face uncertain, poorly paid and risky circumstances at work. The palm oil industry defines development narrowly, as access to income without social change, while it profits from contemporary and historical inequalities that have turned young men, many of them indigenous Maya, rural women, and Guatemalan peasants into cheap labour. However, in oil palm production, profit oriented neoliberal arrangements by the private sector clash with a peasant moral economy that emphasise the value of physical labour and smallholder-worker solidarity. Despite being highly profitable, the palm oil industry offers limited livelihood opportunities for field labourers.' affiliation: 'Castellanos-Navarrete, A (Corresponding Author), Natl Autonomous Univ Mexico UNAM, Ctr Multidisciplinary Res Chiapas \& Southern Bord, Maria Adelina Flores 34, Chiapas 29230, Mexico. Castellanos-Navarrete, Antonio, Natl Autonomous Univ Mexico UNAM, Ctr Multidisciplinary Res Chiapas \& Southern Bord, Maria Adelina Flores 34, Chiapas 29230, Mexico. Tobar-Tomas, William V.; Lopez-Monzon, Carlos E., San Carlos Univ, Northwestern Res Inst CUNOROC, Aldea Chivacabe 13001, Huehuetenango, Guatemala.' author: Castellanos-Navarrete, Antonio and Tobar-Tomas, William V. and Lopez-Monzon, Carlos E. author-email: acastela@unam.mx author_list: - family: Castellanos-Navarrete given: Antonio - family: Tobar-Tomas given: William V. - family: Lopez-Monzon given: Carlos E. da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2018.08.011 files: [] issn: 0743-0167 journal: JOURNAL OF RURAL STUDIES keywords: 'Dispossession; Moral economy; Neoliberalism; Precarisation; Rural Employment' keywords-plus: 'GENDER; PLANTATIONS; EXPANSION; SMALLHOLDERS; ENVIRONMENT; GUATEMALA; POLICY; MEXICO' language: English month: OCT number-of-cited-references: '70' orcid-numbers: Castellanos-Navarrete, Antonio/0000-0001-5796-962X pages: 169-180 papis_id: 36dc85c04b707f1b34560f6f91432fd1 ref: Castellanosnavarrete2019developmentchange researcherid-numbers: Castellanos-Navarrete, Antonio/J-1077-2016 times-cited: '12' title: 'Development without change: Oil palm labour regimes, development narratives, and disputed moral economies in Mesoamerica' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000497249800016 usage-count-last-180-days: '2' usage-count-since-2013: '12' volume: '71' web-of-science-categories: Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning year: '2019'