abstract: 'Drawing on interviews with job seekers and expert informants, we outline a model of the job search experience of people with disabilities. This model specifies the sequence of events involved in the pursuit of paid work and the contextual features that inhibit or facilitate job search attitudes, behaviours, intermediate search outcomes and employment outcomes. By contrasting the experiences of job seekers with musculoskeletal and sensory disabilities, and outlining the influence of major stakeholders in the form of employment agencies and family members, our model provides the basis for a more nuanced understanding of the job search process. Finally, we recommend points of intervention that are grounded in data for improving job search outcomes for people with disabilities in general, and for job seekers with musculoskeletal or sensory disabilities specifically.' affiliation: 'Bainbridge, HTJ (Corresponding Author), Univ New South Wales, Sch Business, Sch Management, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. Bainbridge, Hugh T. J., Univ New South Wales, Sch Business, Sch Management, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. Fujimoto, Yuka, Sunway Univ, Dept Management, Sunway Univ Business Sch, 5 Jalan Univ, Kuala Lumpur 46150, Malaysia.' author: Bainbridge, Hugh T. J. and Fujimoto, Yuka author-email: h.bainbridge@unsw.edu.au author_list: - family: Bainbridge given: Hugh T. J. - family: Fujimoto given: Yuka da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1111/1467-8551.12266 eissn: 1467-8551 files: [] issn: 1045-3172 journal: BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT keywords-plus: 'ONSET DISABILITY; SELF-REGULATION; CARE RECIPIENT; PEOPLE; EMPLOYMENT; DISCRIMINATION; INDIVIDUALS; WORKPLACE; NETWORKS; WORKERS' language: English month: JAN number: '1' number-of-cited-references: '97' orcid-numbers: Bainbridge, Hugh/0000-0001-6745-1920 pages: 82-98 papis_id: ded98ff40d59ea5417c71947aeb81a1c ref: Bainbridge2018jobseekers researcherid-numbers: Bainbridge, Hugh/M-6956-2016 times-cited: '3' title: 'Job Seekers with Musculoskeletal or Sensory Disabilities: Barriers and Facilitators of Job Search' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000422669800006 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '21' volume: '29' web-of-science-categories: Business; Management year: '2018'