abstract: 'We propose an equilibrium interaction model of occupational segregation and labor market inequality between two social groups, generated exclusively through the documented tendency to refer informal job seekers of identical ``social color{''''}. The expected social color homophily in job referrals strategically induces distinct career choices for individuals from different social groups, which further translates into stable partial occupational segregation equilibria with sustained wage and employment inequality - in line with observed patterns of racial or gender labor market disparities. Supporting the qualitative analysis with a calibration and simulation exercise, we furthermore show that both first and second best utilitarian social optima entail segregation, any integration policy requiring explicit distributional concerns. Our framework highlights that the mere social interaction through homophilous contact networks can be a pivotal channel for the propagation and persistence of gender and racial labor market gaps, complementary to long studied mechanisms such as taste or statistical discrimination. (c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.' affiliation: 'Buhai, IS (Corresponding Author), Stockholm Univ, SOFI, Stockholm, Sweden. Buhai, IS (Corresponding Author), Minho Univ, NIPE, Braga, Portugal. Buhai, IS (Corresponding Author), CEPREMAP, Paris, France. Buhai, I. Sebastian, Stockholm Univ, SOFI, Stockholm, Sweden. Buhai, I. Sebastian, Minho Univ, NIPE, Braga, Portugal. Buhai, I. Sebastian, CEPREMAP, Paris, France. Congregat Blessed Sacrament, Brussels, Belgium. Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.' article-number: '104593' author: Buhai, I. Sebastian and van der Leij, Marco J. author-email: 'sbuhai@gmail.com mvanderleij@gmail.com' author_list: - family: Buhai given: I. Sebastian - family: van der Leij given: Marco J. da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.jedc.2022.104593 earlyaccessdate: JAN 2023 eissn: 1879-1743 files: [] issn: 0165-1889 journal: JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS \& CONTROL keywords: 'Social Networks; Homophily; Job Referrals; Occupational Segregation; Labor Market Inequality; Social Welfare' keywords-plus: 'INFORMATION NETWORKS; SEX-DIFFERENCES; LABOR-MARKETS; OLD BOY; GENDER; JOB; EMPLOYMENT; WAGES; GAP; RECRUITMENT' language: English month: FEB number-of-cited-references: '83' orcid-numbers: Buhai, Ioan-Sebastian/0000-0001-9187-4915 papis_id: ebd3a7458c817a4d4cc877ef6667ebaa ref: Buhai2023socialnetwork researcherid-numbers: Buhai, Ioan-Sebastian/D-3583-2016 times-cited: '0' title: A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation type: Article unique-id: WOS:000922129900001 usage-count-last-180-days: '5' usage-count-since-2013: '6' volume: '147' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2023'