abstract: 'The geography of opportunity research has made significant progress in recent years. The use of composite indexes aimed at capturing the attributes of different urban areas has been particularly useful to deepen the understanding of the role that the urban context plays in people''s life chances. However, little attention has been paid to the dynamic component of the geography of opportunity, that is, what explains its changes over time and whether or not those changes (positive or negative) are substantial. The contribution of this work is that it offers a methodology (a conceptual framework, a composite geography of opportunity index and relative and absolute measures) that provides a holistic and in-depth approach to analyse not only the set of opportunities available in the different urban areas but also their change over time (how they change, the depth of those changes and the forces explaining it). The information generated through this approach has the advantage of better informing place-based policy interventions since it offers not only a clear classification of areas but also a useful method for comparing and monitoring the changes in the geography of opportunity over time.' affiliation: 'Brain, I (Corresponding Author), UCL, Bartlett Dev Planning Unit, 34 Tavistock Sq, London WC1H 9EZ, England. Brain, Isabel, UCL, Bartlett Dev Planning Unit, 34 Tavistock Sq, London WC1H 9EZ, England. Prieto, Joaquin, London Sch Econ \& Polit Sci, Int Inequal Inst, Houghton St, London WC2A 2AE, England.' article-number: '103186' author: Brain, Isabel and Prieto, Joaquin author-email: 'isabel.brain@ucl.ac.uk prietosj@lse.ac.uk' author_list: - family: Brain given: Isabel - family: Prieto given: Joaquin da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2021.103186 earlyaccessdate: APR 2021 eissn: 1873-6084 files: [] issn: 0264-2751 journal: CITIES keywords: 'Geography of opportunity; Drivers of urban change; Multidimensional indices; Municipal fiscal capacity; Urban attributes; Urban land market activity' keywords-plus: 'NEIGHBORHOOD INCOME MIX; JOB ACCESSIBILITY; SPATIAL MISMATCH; SKILLS MISMATCH; HEALTH-CARE; UNEMPLOYMENT; EMPLOYMENT; MOBILITY; ACCESS; AREA' language: English month: JUL number-of-cited-references: '125' orcid-numbers: 'Prieto, Joaquin/0000-0003-4145-9988 Brain, Isabel/0000-0001-6771-7127' papis_id: bb5fcf73fce1d90324009083f3de7d77 ref: Brain2021understandingchanges times-cited: '1' title: 'Understanding changes in the geography of opportunity over time: The case of Santiago, Chile' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000654637700005 usage-count-last-180-days: '4' usage-count-since-2013: '22' volume: '114' web-of-science-categories: Urban Studies year: '2021'