abstract: 'This study focuses on the impact of household composition, educational attainment, and employment characteristics on household income for Puerto Rican householders in New York and other areas of the United States, from 1970 to 1980. New York householders had lower levels of education in particular fewer college graduates, and lower labor force participation. and a higher proportion of female-headed households. Although average household income declined for both groups. New York householders had significantly lower incomes relative to those residing elsewhere. Regression standardization showed that. in 1980, the average compositional characteristics of New York Puerto Ricans were ``less favorable `` to household income. Further they received less income for their average characteristics. when compared to householders not residing in New York. It is suggested that the deteriorating economic conditions of Puerto Ricans is a result of joblessness and low-skilled, low-wage jobs among those employed. Industrial restructuring, low levels of education, and the dramatic growth of female-headed households also accounts for their depressed economic status and explains some of the differences in economic well-being between New York and non-New York householders. Further, the problems of mainland Puerto Ricans have been exacerbated by racial and ethnic discrimination.' affiliation: RODRIGUEZ, H (Corresponding Author), UNIV PUERTO RICO,MAYAGUEZ,PR 00708, USA. author: RODRIGUEZ, H author_list: - family: RODRIGUEZ given: H da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1177/07399863920141003 files: [] issn: 0739-9863 journal: HISPANIC JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES keywords-plus: UNDERCLASS language: English month: FEB number: '1' number-of-cited-references: '27' pages: 52-75 papis_id: 74db6f2099f5e7948d88b7d7eebdea99 ref: Rodriguez1992householdcomposition times-cited: '6' title: HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION, EMPLOYMENT PATTERNS, AND INCOME INEQUALITY - PUERTO-RICANS IN NEW-YORK AND OTHER AREAS OF THE UNITED-STATES MAINLAND type: Article unique-id: WOS:A1992GZ03400003 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '5' volume: '14' web-of-science-categories: Psychology, Multidisciplinary year: '1992'