abstract: 'The research aims to analyze, from the perspective of human rights, the impact of globalization on women socioeconomic condition in the labor market, especially the working mother. Women have entered the labor market in large numbers, in the last 25 years there was a greater participation, even so, they do not participate in equal employment opportunities or in equal wages with men. These wage inequalities and the penalty imposed by the labor market, added to the tax burden, directly affect working mothers, especially during the maternity period. Brazilian Constitution brings formal equality, aimed at all people, however, when it comes to social equality among workers, it is identified that women receive a lower salary than men. The investigation comprises a theoretical, bibliographical study based on a survey of specialized literature on the subject, available in articles in peer-reviewed journals and books, as well as in documental research carried out through a survey of Brazilian jurisprudence on the subject. The study concluded that gender inequality is a cruel reality in the contemporary world and permeates, including tax aspects, which greatly affects the social, family and professional context of women, in addition to changing as a vector of perpetuation of secular practices and sexist conceptions, endorsing the disparity in treatment between men and women.' affiliation: 'de Oliveira, MDS (Corresponding Author), Univ Estadual Roraima, Caracarai, Brazil. Sousa de Oliveira, Maria de Jesus, Univ Estadual Roraima, Caracarai, Brazil. Pereira de Araujo, Joao Luiz, Univ Fed Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ, Brazil.' article-number: a795 author: Sousa de Oliveira, Maria de Jesus and Pereira de Araujo, Joao Luiz author-email: 'contadora\_mari@hotmail.com joaolpa@id.uff.br' author_list: - family: Sousa de Oliveira given: Maria de Jesus - family: Pereira de Araujo given: Joao Luiz da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.32813/2179-1120.2022.v15.n1.a795 files: [] issn: 2179-1120 journal: REVISTA DE CIENCIAS HUMANAS DA UNIVERSIDADE DE TAUBATE language: Portuguese number: '1' number-of-cited-references: '32' papis_id: 6e42b054a58f71697c898d49b762c44c ref: Sousadeoliveira2022patriarchytaxation times-cited: '0' title: 'PATRIARCHY AND TAXATION: the weight of taxes on the working mother' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000782951100002 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '2' volume: '15' web-of-science-categories: Social Work year: '2022'