abstract: 'Participation in competitive employment and other meaningful work activities is considered a fundamental human right and crucial to the health and well-being of people with and without disabilities. Approximately less than 30\% of the persons with a disability aged 16 to 64 were employed in 2017, which is a striking disparity given that 73.5 \% of people in this age group without disabilities were employed. Several 2 x 2 Factorial Designs were used to determine how a job applicant''s disability status (disability disclosed, disability not disclosed) and gender (female, male) impacted how Human Resource Managers'' (N = 392) evaluated the job applicant in three areas, including (a) how likely are they to hire this job applicant, (b) how qualified do they view this job applicant, and (c) what would they recommend as a starting salary if the applicant was hired. Furthermore, there was an interest in investigating how knowledge of Title 1 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) influenced the Human Resource Managers'' hiring-related decisions. Findings revealed that the starting salary was significantly lower for the applicant with a disability. Knowledge of the ADA did not control for any hiring-related decisions. Discussion and implications are provided.' affiliation: 'Sprong, ME (Corresponding Author), Edward Hines Jr VA Hosp, 5000 S 5th Ave, Hines, IL 60141 USA. Sprong, Matthew E., US Dept Vet Affairs, Washington, DC USA. Iwanaga, Kanako, Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Richmond, VA 23284 USA. Mikolajczyk, Emili, Northern Illinois Univ, De Kalb, IL 60115 USA. Cerrito, Brianna; Buono, Frank D., Yale Sch Med, New Haven, CT USA.' author: Sprong, Matthew E. and Iwanaga, Kanako and Mikolajczyk, Emili and Cerrito, Brianna and Buono, Frank D. author-email: matthew.sprong@va.gov author_list: - family: Sprong given: Matthew E. - family: Iwanaga given: Kanako - family: Mikolajczyk given: Emili - family: Cerrito given: Brianna - family: Buono given: Frank D. da: '2023-09-28' files: [] issn: 0022-4154 journal: JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION keywords: 'People with Disabilities; Employment; Americans with Disability Act (ADA); Discrimination; Labor Force Participation' keywords-plus: 'EMPLOYERS ATTITUDES; EMPLOYMENT; PEOPLE; WORKERS; DISCRIMINATION; INDIVIDUALS; MODEL' language: English month: OCT-DEC number: '4' number-of-cited-references: '53' pages: 42-49 papis_id: 7e9ec3a5e85a12279052c3d0bb25abdb ref: Sprong2019roledisability times-cited: '3' title: 'The Role of Disability in the Hiring Process: Does Knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act Matter?' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000504787200005 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '6' volume: '85' web-of-science-categories: Rehabilitation year: '2019'