abstract: 'Health inequalities continue to grow despite continuous policy intervention. Work, one domain of health inequalities, is often included as a component of social class rather than as a determinant in its own right. Many social class classifications are derived from occupation types, but there are other components within them that mean they may not be useful as proxies for occupation. This paper develops the exposome, a life-course exposure model developed by Wild (2005), into the worksome, allowing for the explicit consideration of both physical and psychosocial exposures and effects derived from work and working conditions. The interactions between and within temporal and geographical scales are strongly emphasised, and the interwoven nature of both psycho social and physical exposures is highlighted. Individuals within an occupational type can be both affected by and effect upon occupation level characteristics and health measures. By using the worksome, occupation types are separated from value-laden social classifications. This paper will empirically examine whether occupation better predicts health measures from the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS). Logistic regression models using Bayesian MCMC estimation were run for each classification system, for each health measure. Health measures included, for example, whether the respondent felt their work affected their health, their self-rated health, pain in upper or lower limbs, and headaches. Using the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC), a measure of predictive accuracy penalised for model complexity, the models were assessed against one another. The DIC shows empirically which classification system is most suitable for use in modelling. The 2-digit International Standard Classification of Occupations showed the best predictive accuracy for all measures. Therefore, examining the relationship between health and work should be done with classifications specific to occupation or industry rather than socio-economic class classifications. This justifies the worksome, allowing for a conceptual framework to link many forms of work-health research.' affiliation: 'Eyles, E (Corresponding Author), Univ Bristol, Sch Geog Sci, Univ Rd, Bristol BS8 1SS, Avon, England. Eyles, Emily; Manley, David; Jones, Kelvyn, Univ Bristol, Sch Geog Sci, Univ Rd, Bristol BS8 1SS, Avon, England.' author: Eyles, Emily and Manley, David and Jones, Kelvyn author-email: ee15592@bristol.ac.uk author_list: - family: Eyles given: Emily - family: Manley given: David - family: Jones given: Kelvyn da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.09.020 eissn: 1873-5347 files: [] issn: 0277-9536 journal: SOCIAL SCIENCE \& MEDICINE keywords: 'Occupational health; Classifications; Class; Work; Worksome; Exposome; Social exposure' keywords-plus: 'SELF-RATED HEALTH; SOCIOECONOMIC-STATUS; PRECARIOUS EMPLOYMENT; ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE; WORKING HOURS; EXPOSOME; INEQUALITIES; CHALLENGE; MORTALITY; SCIENCE' language: English month: APR note: '17th International Medical Geography Symposium (IMGS), Angers, FRANCE, JUL 02-07, 2017' number: SI number-of-cited-references: '63' orcid-numbers: 'Jones, Kelvyn/0000-0001-8398-2190 Jones, Kelvyn/0000-0001-8398-2190 Eyles, Emily/0000-0002-2695-7172' pages: 56-62 papis_id: a084e0cd6f0b9ea8363f8f68581c3084 ref: Eyles2019occupiedclassificati researcherid-numbers: 'Jones, Kelvyn/ABE-8689-2020 Jones, Kelvyn/A-3939-2011 ' times-cited: '15' title: 'Occupied with classification: Which occupational classification scheme better predicts health outcomes?' type: Article; Proceedings Paper unique-id: WOS:000466260800006 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '15' volume: '227' web-of-science-categories: 'Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical' year: '2019'