abstract: 'Bringing people with mental illness into employment is a phenomenon that has been extensively researched in recent years. A review to identify and synthesize available evidence on bringing this group into employment and the potential fields of interest related to barriers and facilitators has been carried out. The electronic search was done using 17 databases. In total 24 publications of systematic reviews, meta-analysis and meta-ethnographies aimed at individuating and systematizing barriers to work inclusion were included. The different process phases and the variety of circumstances that can slow down or push towards a certain condition of job seeker or employee, together with the rest of the results presented in this work, demonstrate the need to re-direct or extend the research focus related to this issue.' affiliation: 'Lettieri, A (Corresponding Author), Univ Salamanca, Psychol, Salamanca, Spain. Lettieri, A (Corresponding Author), INTRAS Fdn, Iberian Ctr Res Psychosciences IBIP, Zamora, Spain. Lettieri, Andrea, Univ Salamanca, Psychol, Salamanca, Spain. Lettieri, Andrea, INTRAS Fdn, Iberian Ctr Res Psychosciences IBIP, Zamora, Spain. Diez Villoria, Emiliano, Inst Community Integrat INICO, Psychol, Minneapolis, MN USA. Diez Villoria, Emiliano, Inst Community Integrat INICO, Minneapolis, MN USA. Diez Villoria, Emiliano, Consolidated Res Unit Disabil UIC115, Minneapolis, MN USA. Diez Villoria, Emiliano, Univ Salamanca, Grp Res Memory \& Cognit, Salamanca, Spain.' author: Lettieri, Andrea and Diez Villoria, Emiliano author_list: - family: Lettieri given: Andrea - family: Diez Villoria given: Emiliano da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.2383/89515 files: [] issn: 1971-8853 journal: SOCIOLOGICA-ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY ON LINE keywords: 'Mental Illness; Work Inclusion; Employability; Barriers and Facilitators; Review of Reviews' keywords-plus: 'SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT SERVICES; WORK PARTICIPATION; DISCRIMINATION; DISABILITIES; OUTCOMES; METAANALYSIS; INDIVIDUALS; PREDICTORS; STIGMA; UPDATE' language: English number: '3' number-of-cited-references: '36' orcid-numbers: Diez, Emiliano/0000-0001-7894-3998 papis_id: 66ec8b48bba3a74656f2d923ac3b1cdc ref: Lettieri2017systematizationinter researcherid-numbers: Diez, Emiliano/I-4544-2014 tags: - relevant - review times-cited: '4' title: A Systematization of the International Evidence Related to Labor Inclusion Barriers and Facilitators for People with Mental Illness A Review of Reviews type: Review unique-id: WOS:000436955800005 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '16' web-of-science-categories: Sociology year: '2017'