abstract: 'This article addresses the question of how gender inequalities are produced in the film industry. In the absence of industry or organizational interventions, these inequalities seem unmanageable. We present an exploration of the gendered working lives of below-the-line film workers in New Zealand, in the context of the western film industry. Repeatedly, women activists have pointed out that a perception of gender equity contradicts the statistics, which demonstrate traditional as well as new'' forms of sexism. In this post-feminist context inequality is typically invisible and unspoken, and there is a thriving narrative of meritocracy based on talent and determination, where you''re only as good as your last job''. Below-the-line crew'' are distinguished from creatives in a hierarchy of creativity. In the New Zealand film industry, they are not unionized, and there are no policies addressing gender. From their perspective, their powerlessness in terms of employment rights is taken as a given, a price they pay for doing their dream job. In spite of beliefs about merit, talent and the good idea'', women''s good ideas'' and their work capabilities across a range of roles are less likely to be recognized and rewarded than those of men.' affiliation: 'Jones, D (Corresponding Author), Victoria Univ Wellington, Sch Management, Victoria Business Sch, Wellington, New Zealand. Jones, Deborah, Victoria Univ Wellington, Sch Management, Victoria Business Sch, Wellington, New Zealand. Jones, Deborah, Victoria Univ, Ctr Labour Employment \& Work, Melbourne, Vic 8001, Australia. Pringle, Judith K., AUT Univ, Org Studies, Auckland, New Zealand. Pringle, Judith K., AUT Univ, Gender \& Divers Res Grp, Auckland, New Zealand. Pringle, Judith K., Griffith Univ, Nathan, Qld 4111, Australia.' author: Jones, Deborah and Pringle, Judith K. author-email: 'Deborah.jones@vuw.ac.nz judith.pringle@aut.ac.nz' author_list: - family: Jones given: Deborah - family: Pringle given: Judith K. da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1111/1467-954X.12239 eissn: 1467-954X files: [] issn: 0038-0261 journal: SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW keywords: film industry; New Zealand; below the line; sexism; gender keywords-plus: 'LOCAL-LABOR MARKET; NEW-ZEALAND; CREATIVE INDUSTRIES; GENDER; EQUALITY; LOCATION; WORK' language: English month: MAY number: 1, SI number-of-cited-references: '54' pages: 37-49 papis_id: a4c533a8a1553f3509f97ed4fe728668 ref: Jones2015unmanageableinequali times-cited: '43' title: 'Unmanageable inequalities: sexism in the film industry' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000355232500003 usage-count-last-180-days: '2' usage-count-since-2013: '45' volume: '63' web-of-science-categories: Sociology year: '2015'