abstract: 'We analyze the main features of current personal income tax system in Japan and Korea. Both countries have progressive personal income tax schedules. Individual income tax rate in Japan exceeds average for Asian countries almost by 26\%, while Korean personal income tax rate exceeds average by 10\%. The calculated indices for the overall tax wedge and its components in Korea and Japan allowed us to determine that in Japan the progressivity of personal income tax rate and overall tax wedge are lower than OECD average, while in Korea these values are higher than OECD average, due to targeted provisions for low incomes in Korea. The regression analysis showed that in Japan only labor force participation rate influences on the labor productivity, while in Korea the latter is influenced additionally by labor freedom index, determining quality of labor market institutions. It can be explained by different trends, related to the digital transformation, specifics of the long-term employment and wage schedules, and by different levels of labor market inequality.' affiliation: 'Belozyorov, S (Corresponding Author), St Petersburg State Univ, Lab Asian Econ Studies, St Petersburg, Russia. Belozyorov, Sergey, St Petersburg State Univ, Lab Asian Econ Studies, St Petersburg, Russia.' author: Belozyorov, Sergey author-email: beliksa@mail.ru author_list: - family: Belozyorov given: Sergey booktitle: 'PROCEEDINGS OF THE 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CURRENT TRENDS IN PUBLIC SECTOR RESEARCH' da: '2023-09-28' editor: Dvorakova, P and Baisa, B files: [] isbn: 978-80-210-8924-2 issn: 2336-1239 keywords: 'personal income tax; tax wedge; labor productivity; labor freedom index; progressivity' language: English note: '22nd International Conference on Current Trends in Public Sector Research, Slapanice, CZECH REPUBLIC, JAN 18-19, 2018' number-of-cited-references: '16' orcid-numbers: Belozerov, Sergei A/0000-0001-8711-2192 pages: 108-115 papis_id: 09fa050d5715c34b20f0d05c90df177b ref: Belozyorov2018taxationlabor researcherid-numbers: Belozerov, Sergei A/M-3601-2015 series: Current Trends in Public Sector Research times-cited: '1' title: 'Taxation of Labor Income in Japan and Republic of Korea: a Comparative Study' type: Proceedings Paper unique-id: WOS:000571708800013 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '1' web-of-science-categories: Social Issues; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary year: '2018'