abstract: 'Given increasing maternal labour-market participation in many European countries, there is an ongoing scientific and public debate on the potential consequences for children''s development. Previous research has used both cross-sectional measures of maternal employment at a particular age of the child and measures capturing maternal employment history. Whereas the former approach cannot capture the cumulative impact of maternal employment on developmental outcomes, studies following the second approach have so far not accounted for the possibility that mothers may repeatedly change their labour-force participation in response to their children''s development or other dynamic context factors that are themselves affecting developmental outcomes. The present study combines statistical techniques that can account for time-varying confounders with cumulative measurement of maternal employment to investigate its link with children''s behavioural problems around age eight. In addition, our study explores whether the effect of maternal employment history differs by mothers'' education. Using data from the Growing Up in Scotland study, we find that children''s behavioural problems around age eight are the less pronounced the more years their mothers have worked full-time or part-time. However, these associations reduced in size once we adjusted for potential confounders and they do not significantly differ between mothers with and without a tertiary degree. These results suggest that the association between maternal employment history and behavioural problems around age eight is mostly driven by confounding factors such as maternal education, child health and socio-economic status.' affiliation: 'Jacob, M (Corresponding Author), Univ Cologne, Cologne, Germany. Jacob, Marita; Kuehhirt, Michael, Univ Cologne, Cologne, Germany. Kuehhirt, Michael, Goethe Univ Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany.' author: Jacob, Marita and Kuehhirt, Michael author-email: 'marita.jacob@uni-koeln.de michael.kuehhirt@uni-koeln.de' author_list: - family: Jacob given: Marita - family: Kuehhirt given: Michael da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1332/175795920X16057278409033 files: [] issn: 1757-9597 journal: LONGITUDINAL AND LIFE COURSE STUDIES keywords: 'maternal employment; socio-emotional development; child behaviour; Scotland' keywords-plus: 'MATERNAL EMPLOYMENT; CONCENTRATED DISADVANTAGE; EXPOSURE; IMPACT; WORK; RISK' language: English month: OCT number: '4' number-of-cited-references: '38' orcid-numbers: 'Kühhirt, Michael/0000-0001-9503-0488 Jacob, Marita/0000-0002-2674-568X' pages: 551-571 papis_id: a7c4fda9139ea627ca3029af2f64ca1a ref: Jacob2021mothersemployment researcherid-numbers: 'Kühhirt, Michael/J-3467-2015 Jacob, Marita/AAY-8735-2021' times-cited: '1' title: 'Mothers'' employment and child behaviour: new evidence for Scotland' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000721724800005 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '1' volume: '12' web-of-science-categories: 'Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary' year: '2021'