abstract: 'Objective We investigate whether there are changes over time in years in good health people can expect to live above (surplus) or below (deficit) the pension age, by level of attained education, for the past (2006), present (2018) and future (2030) in the Netherlands. Methods We used regression analysis to estimate linear trends in prevalence of four health indicators: self-assessed health (SAH), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) functional limitation indicator, the OECD indicator without hearing and seeing, and the activities-of-daily-living (ADL) disability indicator, for individuals between 50 and 69 years of age, by age category, gender and education using the Dutch National Health Survey (1989-2018). We combined these prevalence estimates with past and projected mortality data to obtain estimates of years lived in good health. We calculated how many years individuals are expected to live in good health above (surplus) or below (deficit) the pension age for the three points in time. The pension ages used were 65 years for 2006, 66 years for 2018 and 67.25 years for 2030. Results Both for low educated men and women, our analyses show an increasing deficit of years in good health relative to the pension age for most outcomes, particularly for the SAH and OECD indicator. For high educated we find a decreasing surplus of years lived in good health for all indicators with the exception of SAH. For women, absolute inequalities in the deficit or surplus of years in good health between low and high educated appear to be increasing over time. Conclusions Socio-economic inequalities in trends of mortality and the prevalence of ill-health, combined with increasing statutory pension age, impact the low educated more adversely than the high educated. Policies are needed to mitigate the increasing deficit of years in good health relative to the pension age, particularly among the low educated.' affiliation: 'Valverde, JRR (Corresponding Author), Erasmus MC, Dept Publ Hlth, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Valverde, Jose R. Rubio; Mackenbach, Johan P.; Nusselder, Wilma J., Erasmus MC, Dept Publ Hlth, Rotterdam, Netherlands. De Waegenaere, Anja M. B.; Melenberg, Bertrand; Lyu, Pintao, Tilburg Univ, Sch Econ \& Management, Tilburg, Netherlands.' article-number: '859' author: Valverde, Jose R. Rubio and Mackenbach, Johan P. and De Waegenaere, Anja M. B. and Melenberg, Bertrand and Lyu, Pintao and Nusselder, Wilma J. author-email: rubiojose84@gmail.com author_list: - family: Valverde given: Jose R. Rubio - family: Mackenbach given: Johan P. - family: De Waegenaere given: Anja M. B. - family: Melenberg given: Bertrand - family: Lyu given: Pintao - family: Nusselder given: Wilma J. da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13223-8 eissn: 1471-2458 files: [] journal: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH keywords: Ill-health; Retirement; Socioeconomic position keywords-plus: 'SOCIOECONOMIC-STATUS; PAID EMPLOYMENT; ILL HEALTH; SULLIVANS METHOD; RETIREMENT AGE; DISABILITY; EXIT; INEQUALITIES; EXPECTANCY; WORK' language: English month: APR 29 number: '1' number-of-cited-references: '58' orcid-numbers: 'Melenberg, Bertrand/0000-0003-4195-8744 De Waegenaere, Anja/0000-0001-7396-3789' papis_id: cfdfefcb0725cddba098b2a7d30fbd68 ref: Valverde2022projectingyears researcherid-numbers: 'Melenberg, Bertrand/IUM-2524-2023 ' times-cited: '1' title: Projecting years in good health between age 50-69 by education in the Netherlands until 2030 using several health indicators-an application in the context of a changing pension age type: Article unique-id: WOS:000788871700001 usage-count-last-180-days: '1' usage-count-since-2013: '5' volume: '22' web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health year: '2022'