abstract: 'I review theories and evidence on wage-setting institutions and labor market policies in an international comparative context. These include collective bargaining, minimum wages, employment protection laws, unemployment insurance (UI), mandated parental leave, and active labor market policies (ALMPs). Since it is unlikely that an unregulated private sector would provide the income insurance these institutions do, these policies may enhance economic efficiency. However, to the extent that unemployment or resource misallocation results from such measures, these efficiency gains may be offset. Overall, Scandinavia and Central Europe follow distinctively more interventionist policies than the English-speaking countries in the Northern Hemisphere. Possible explanations for such differences include vulnerability to external market forces and ethnic homogeneity. I then review evidence on the impacts of these policies and institutions. While the interventionist model appears to cause lower levels of wage inequality and high levels of job security to incumbent workers, it also in some cases leads to the relegation of new entrants (disproportionately women, youth, and immigrants) as well as the less skilled to temporary jobs or unemployment. Making labor markets more flexible could bring these groups into the regular labor market to a greater extent, at the expense of higher levels of economic insecurity for incumbents and higher levels of wage inequality. (C) 2011 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.' affiliation: 'Kahn, LM (Corresponding Author), Cornell Univ, 258 Ives Hall, Ithaca, NY 14583 USA. Cornell Univ, Ithaca, NY 14583 USA.' author: Kahn, Lawrence M. author_list: - family: Kahn given: Lawrence M. da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1002/pam.20602 files: [] issn: 0276-8739 journal: JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT keywords-plus: 'EMPLOYMENT PROTECTION; UNEMPLOYMENT-INSURANCE; WAGE INEQUALITY; MINIMUM-WAGES; UNITED-STATES; INTERNATIONAL DIFFERENCES; YOUTH EMPLOYMENT; IMPACT; INSTITUTIONS; REFORM' language: English month: WIN number: '1' number-of-cited-references: '73' pages: 94-110 papis_id: b885d8f9032eef1b5f32ae09ac7863b7 ref: Kahn2012labormarket researcherid-numbers: Kahn, Lawrence/AAP-6684-2021 times-cited: '41' title: 'Labor market policy: A comparative view on the costs and benefits of labor market flexibility' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000298094900007 usage-count-last-180-days: '3' usage-count-since-2013: '104' volume: '31' web-of-science-categories: Economics; Public Administration year: '2012'