abstract: 'This paper examines quantitative and qualitative dimensions of employment issues in India from gender lens. Inequality in quantitative aspects have been analysed gender gap in work participation, composition and structure of employment. The study finds that female work participation in India has declined sharply despite faster economic growth and improvement in female literacy outcomes. The magnitude of decline is sharper in case of illiterate, women from less privileged class and rural backgrounds. Similarly, even after two decades of economic reform, female workers are highly concentrated in low productive, less remunerative and unpaid family labour category of self employment activities. Considering the qualitative dimension of jobs, the paper finds that the condition of female workers are more vulnerable as they are highly concentrated in informal sector and informal jobs with no employment security, no social security, and are being paid relatively lower wages compared to male workers in most of the sub-sector. The paper argues for an urgent policy intervention to ensure access to decent jobs and to provide protection to these vulnerably placed women workers.' affiliation: 'Ara, S (Corresponding Author), Indian Econ Serv, New Delhi, India. Ara, Shamim, Indian Econ Serv, New Delhi, India. Ara, Shamim, JNU, Ctr Study Reg Dev, New Delhi, India.' author: Ara, Shamim author_list: - family: Ara given: Shamim da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1007/s40953-018-0118-7 eissn: 2364-1045 files: [] issn: 0971-1554 journal: JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS keywords: 'Gender inequality; Economic reform; Quality of jobs; Informalisation; Job market segmentation; Wage inequality; C83; C87; C88; J1; J31' language: English month: MAR number: '1' number-of-cited-references: '25' pages: 93-120 papis_id: b71cb057936f2db3118bf733d695472d ref: Ara2019globalisationgender times-cited: '1' title: 'Globalisation and Gender Inequality: Evidence from Labour Market in India' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000538600100005 usage-count-last-180-days: '2' usage-count-since-2013: '4' volume: '17' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2019'