abstract: 'Research has documented illicit drug users'' participation in the informal and drug economies as a result of barriers in obtaining legitimate sources of work and income. Less research has explored ways drug users utilize income from various sources to obtain shelter and meet other basic needs. This paper draws on longitudinal qualitative interviews that were conducted with 65 active cocaine or heroin users in various housed or homeless statuses to explore participants'' sources of income, work experiences, and strategies to secure housing and other basic needs. Results indicate that most participants did not receive cash welfare benefits, and few had any form of employment. Further, those who received federal housing subsidies often had no income to pay their part of the rent or other necessities. Participants reported engaging in a number of informal, illegal, and bartering relationships with drug using and non-drug using residents in order to obtain shelter and income. Insufficient social welfare and employment opportunities have created a context of scarcity in which drug using and non-drug using residents depend on each other to obtain shelter and other needs in ways prohibited by federal welfare and housing policies. A number of policy changes, including increasing access to and benefits levels of welfare and housing subsidies, employment programs for ex-offenders and tax incentives to increase employment opportunities, may increase drug users'' housing stability.' affiliation: 'Dickson-Gomez, J (Corresponding Author), Med Coll Wisconsin, Ctr AIDS Intervent Res, Milwaukee, WI 53226 USA. Dickson-Gomez, Julia, Med Coll Wisconsin, Ctr AIDS Intervent Res, Milwaukee, WI 53226 USA. Convey, Mark; Hilario, Helena; Weeks, Margaret R.; Corbett, A. Michelle, Inst Community Res, Hartford, CT USA.' author: Dickson-Gomez, Julia and Convey, Mark and Hilario, Helena and Weeks, Margaret R. and Corbett, A. Michelle author_list: - family: Dickson-Gomez given: Julia - family: Convey given: Mark - family: Hilario given: Helena - family: Weeks given: Margaret R. - family: Corbett given: A. Michelle da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.17730/humo.68.3.6157671xg8155711 eissn: 1938-3525 files: [] issn: 0018-7259 journal: HUMAN ORGANIZATION keywords: drug use; informal economy; housing; welfare reform keywords-plus: 'WELFARE-REFORM; MENTAL-DISORDERS; HOMELESS ADULTS; HARM REDUCTION; SUBSTANCE USE; INNER-CITY; USE SITES; RISK; HEALTH; ADAPTATION' language: English month: FAL number: '3' number-of-cited-references: '36' orcid-numbers: Weeks, Margaret R./0000-0001-7493-0276 pages: 269-279 papis_id: 777563fa67d5a85e727b527bccbc07d5 ref: Dicksongomez2009hustlinghousing researcherid-numbers: 'McCarthy, Jodie/B-5760-2012 Guha, Sunni/E-8453-2011 ' times-cited: '7' title: 'Hustling and Housing: Drug Users'' Strategies to Obtain Shelter and Income in Hartford, Connecticut' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000269620200003 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '18' volume: '68' web-of-science-categories: Anthropology; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary year: '2009'