abstract: 'Speculation has become a normalized occupational strategy and quotidian economic rationality that extends throughout society. Although there are many contemporary articulations of speculation, this article focuses on contract labor as a domain of financialization. Seen through this lens, contract labor can be understood as a speculative investment strategy wherein individuals leverage whatever assets they have at their disposal - savings, time, bodily health - to capture economic advantages. In particular, we explore the speculative practices of healthy individuals who enroll in pharmaceutical drug trials as their primary or critical source of income. Mobilizing speculative logics to maximize the money they can earn from their clinical trial participation, these contract workers employ what we term a future-income-over-immediate-pay calculus. This speculative calculus valorizes fictional projections of significant long-term future income over present financial opportunities. For the economically precarious individuals in our study, we argue that rather than effectively increasing their income, speculation on contract work serves a compensatory function, providing an important - but ultimately inadequate - sense of control over market conditions that thrive upon workers'' economic insecurity.' affiliation: 'Fisher, JA (Corresponding Author), Univ N Carolina, Dept Social Med, 333E MacNider Hall,Campus Box 7240, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 USA. Fisher, JA (Corresponding Author), Univ N Carolina, Ctr Bioeth, 333E MacNider Hall,Campus Box 7240, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 USA. Fisher, Jill A., Univ N Carolina, Dept Social Med, 333E MacNider Hall,Campus Box 7240, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 USA. Fisher, Jill A., Univ N Carolina, Ctr Bioeth, Social Med, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 USA. Wood, Megan M.; Monahan, Torin, Univ N Carolina, Dept Commun, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 USA.' author: Fisher, Jill A. and Wood, Megan M. and Monahan, Torin author-email: jill.fisher@unc.edu author_list: - family: Fisher given: Jill A. - family: Wood given: Megan M. - family: Monahan given: Torin da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1080/17530350.2020.1850504 earlyaccessdate: DEC 2020 eissn: 1753-0369 files: [] issn: 1753-0350 journal: JOURNAL OF CULTURAL ECONOMY keywords: 'Clinical trials; independent contractors; financialization; labor; precarity; speculation' keywords-plus: PHASE-I; WORK; PARTICIPATION; KNOWLEDGE; ECONOMY; CRISIS; ETHICS; GIG language: English month: JUL 4 number: '4' number-of-cited-references: '76' pages: 464-484 papis_id: 1d71d905f77a9339b66f30e75ef432ae ref: Fisher2021speculatingprecariou times-cited: '4' title: 'Speculating on precarious income: finance cultures and the risky strategies of healthy volunteers in clinical drug trials' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000600699900001 usage-count-last-180-days: '2' usage-count-since-2013: '11' volume: '14' web-of-science-categories: Cultural Studies; Economics; Sociology year: '2021'